Effective leaders are critical to the effectiveness of the contemporary organizations.
The article notes, but doesn't deeply explore, the many areas of measurement provided by Lean, which seem better suited to measuring organizational effectiveness and improvement.
This paper uses the Game theory to analyze the ball-team enterprise-organization's organization efficiency.
The higher the density and concentration of social network is, the more organizational citizenship behavior the organization members show, organizational effectiveness is relatively high;
The governance effectiveness measures for the organization as a whole should reflect the mix while the governance solutions for the different projects are different 6.
Are they aligned to enhance the effectiveness of the enterprise or is each organizational unit only really concerned with its own (local) efficiencies?
I'm sure that every reader can think of rewards that have lost their effectiveness due to their having become a commonplace occurrence within an organization.
Governance effectiveness measures that capture at a business level how well the governed organization is delivering value to the broader enterprise, such as the average cost of a transaction.
The tool's effectiveness will be directly proportional to your organization's process maturity level.
Some regional security experts say the organization's core principle of not interfering in the internal affairs of its members limits its effectiveness.
There are many ways to measure how well an information-organization strategy is working.
For this reason, ROI does not easily lend itself to being a measure of the effectiveness of organizational growth or improvement efforts.
The coefficient Cs corresponds to the overall effectiveness of the organization in acquiring knowledge.
Risk HandingTrend:实现风险缓和活动中组织的有效性。
Risk Handing Trend: Effectiveness of the organization in implementing risk mitigation activities.
IllustrationMost organizations use measurements in various ways to assess performance or effectiveness of various courses of action.
Organization-wide improvements in communication and management effectiveness
The provision of a link from the WHO website to other sites does not indicate endorsement of those sites by WHO, and WHO accepts no responsibility for the validity or accuracy of their content.
They can directly testify to the validity of my methods for executives at all levels, including among CEOs of major organizations.
WHO encourages the use of reliable data to help determine priorities and evaluate the effectiveness of strategies employed.
WHO and its partners are currently assessing the impact of the initial mass immunization campaigns, including their safety and efficacy.
Certainly, defining effectiveness more broadly means at the very minimum that nonprofits will have to collect AND SHARE more programmatic data.
You have heard testimony from people with widely divergent backgrounds, and also widely divergent views about the appropriateness and effectiveness of the WHO response.
While the use of bed nets has long been encouraged by WHO, the recent development of "long-lasting insecticidal nets" (LLINs) has dramatically improved their usefulness.
GACVS supports the -recent WHO initiative to further characterize BCG strains, which will help systematic differentiation of BCG vaccines in terms of safety and efficacy.
The organization shall continually improve the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the quality management system.
The organization shall evaluate the quality performance and the effectiveness of the quality management system.
The organization shall evaluate the quality performance and the effectiveness of the quality management system.