• 添加水化合,再向其中加入一种用于家畜青贮饲料发酵细菌培养

    After adding the carbohydrate source, a silage bacterial culture used for fermenting silage for cattle was added.


  • 康普培养物酵母细菌提供条件霉菌就有更大发育机会

    The worse the conditions provided for the yeasts and bacteria in the Kombucha culture, the greater the chances of mould developing.


  • 为了识别血液样本一个建筑通风系统中的细菌研究员或者临床医生通常必须从获得样本开始到使实验室培养生长

    In order to identify the bacteria in a blood sample or in a building's ventilation system, researchers or clinicians usually must start by coaxing it to grow in culture in the lab.


  • 方法198慢性咽炎患者的咽分泌进行细菌培养、分离鉴定

    METHODS A total of 198 patients with chronic pharyngitis were cultivated for bacterial culture and identification.


  • 23临床常见致病菌培养及临床病例标本采用方法进行检测,并常规细菌培养比较

    Compared with (routine) bacterial culture method, this novel PCR method was used to detect 23s rDNA of 23 kinds of pure (bacteria,) culture bottles and clinical specimens.


  • 目的:泌尿生殖道分泌中分离培养细菌原体原体,了解细菌对多种抗菌药敏感情况。

    Methods Bacteria, mycoplasma and chlamydia were isolated from the urogenital tract secretion by artifical culture, and their antibiotic susceptibility was detected by disk diffusion.


  • 结果上颌窦分泌细菌培养结果示A、B两家兔原发致病菌机会致病菌感染差异无统计学意义P>0.05);

    Results The differences of bacterial infection with the primary and opportunistic pathogens between group A and group B were insignificant(P>0.05).


  • 病人培养细菌咽部分泌细菌符合率高达98。 91%。

    The coincidence of bacteria culture was very high (98.91%) in the sputum and secretion of oropharyngeal.


  • 方法分析137icu内确诊VAP患者临床资料呼吸道分泌细菌培养结果

    Methods the clinical data and the results of bacteria culture from the secretion of lower respiratory tracts of 137 patients suffering from VAP in ICU were analyzed.


  • 方法烧伤病人分泌进行细菌培养阳性结果进行鉴定敏感试验

    Methods Secrete thing of burn patients was trained, it positive result was detected, medicine sensitive experiment was done.


  • 真正本剂使用高科技微胶囊技术,保存休眠菌。绝非普遍称之“硝化细菌”的液态培养物

    Living bacteria - the product use the micro-capsule technology to protect the live bacteria in a dormant state. The product is not nitrifying bacteria medium.


  • 附着活性细菌的生为接种,通过静态培养的方式测定饮用水可生降解溶解性有机BDOC)。

    Using sand inoculated with bacteria(bio-sand), a static incubation experiment was conducted to determine the biodegradable dissolved organic carbon(BDOC)in drinking water.


  • 方法40慢性囊炎患者泪囊分泌取样,进行细菌培养分离鉴定敏感实验

    METHODS: Material of lacrimal secretion in 40 cases of patients with chronic dacryocystitis was sampled for bacterial culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitivity test.


  • 比较治愈率、总有效率创面愈合时间、创面缩小症状体征创面分泌细菌培养以及组织学观察的差异。

    The differences on cure rate, effective rate, wound healing time, wound area reduced rate, clinical symptoms, germiculture and histological changes between the two groups were observed.


  • 结果标本生长细菌大肠内容培养细菌种类相同实验组标本菌落少于对照组P<0,01)。

    Results The bacterial species in each sample were the same as that of colon contents. The bacteria-colony number of each sample in the experimental group was lower than that in control(P<0.01).


  • 方法88例门诊皮肤软组织感染患者脓液创面分泌进行细菌培养敏感性分析

    Methods: The pus or wound secretion of 88 outpatients with skin and soft tissue infection was collected, bacteria culture was performed and pathogen identification as well as drug sensitivity done.


  • 这些停滞分泌变稠提供细菌生长培养

    These stagnant secretions thicken and provide a medium for bacterial growth.


  • 方法102例中耳炎及外耳道炎患者脓性分泌进行细菌培养敏感试验。

    METHODS To get 102 samples of ear swabs or purulent secretion were collected for culture and its drug resistance were detected.


  • 猩红热特异性诊断试验细菌检查其他病灶分泌培养有日型溶血性链球菌生长

    Scarlet fever specificity diagnosis experiment bacteriology inspection: Swallows the cotton swab or other infection secretion raise may have the date hemolytic chain coccus growth.


  • 目的2 16烧伤感染患者创面分泌进行细菌培养药敏分析指导临床合理使用抗生素

    Objective In order to guide the reasonable clinical usage of antibiotics, the bacteria strains were investigated and the antibiotic sensitivity was analysed in 216 cases with burn wounds infection.


  • 目的2 16烧伤感染患者创面分泌进行细菌培养药敏分析指导临床合理使用抗生素

    Objective In order to guide the reasonable clinical usage of antibiotics, the bacteria strains were investigated and the antibiotic sensitivity was analysed in 216 cases with burn wounds infection.


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