Today, 28 per cent of graduates in the UK are in non-graduate roles, a percentage which is double the average among the OECD countries.
The IEA is an adviser to 28 developed nations, all of whom are also members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Almost all the big outside countries co-operate with the OECD at some level.
资料来源:经合组织《经合组织成员国国民核算》1999- 2004年。
Unemployment for OECD members is also expected to remain high at 7.5 percent by the end of 2012.
The average retirement age in the OECD in 2010 was 63, almost one year lower than in 1970.
The OECD, an international think-tank, says that migration into its member countries dropped by 7% in 2009.
One is to promote and participate in the series of negotiations on tied aid together with other OECD member countries, and formulate the rules directly.
Individual country readings fell across the board, including for non-OECD member countries, with most seeing their CLIs drop below their long-term average of 100.
Across the OECD, spending on long-term care is already equivalent to around 15% of total health spending and is rising fast.
Among the OECD members, the most developed 34 nations on earth, Mexico, principal feeder nation for U.S. schools, came in dead last in reading.
经合组织的经济学家萨沙 伍兹-爱森特称,“对于大多数经合组织成员国来说,经济整体复苏乏力,IT业亦是如此。”
Sacha Wunsch-Vincent, an economist at the OECD, says, “For most OECD countries, the prospects are of a very fragile and weak recovery, for the overall economy and thus for IT.”
In fact, fertility rates have dropped steeply in all OECD countries in the past few decades, from an average of 3.2 children per woman in 1960 to 1.6 now.
Although South Africa proved more resilient than most OECD countries, output shrank by 1.8% last year, the country's first recession in 17 years.
相关法律规定已经再清楚不过了:受欧盟指令支持的《巴塞尔公约》(Basel convention)禁止欧盟或欧洲经合组织成员国向不发达国家倾倒危害性废料。
The law couldn't be clearer: the Basel convention, supported by European directives, forbids European Union or OECD nations from dumping hazardous wastes in poorer countries.
相关法律规定已经再清楚不过了:受欧盟指令支持的《巴塞尔公约》(Basel convention)禁止欧盟或欧洲经合组织成员国向不发达国家倾倒危害性废料。
The law couldn't be clearer: the Basel convention, supported by European directives, forbids European Union or OECD nations from dumping hazardous wastes in poorer countries.