• 研究基于动态投入产出理论确定性线性经济系统控制模型

    In this paper, a deterministic linear economic system control model based on dynamic input-output theory is studied.


  • 由于研究视野研究方法的问题,主流经济理论在对企业产生问题的解释存在着明显的缺陷,这些缺陷表现缺乏社会性的、动态的研究视野。

    Because of the limit research view and method, there are several limitations on these explanation, which shows that these research is in lack of social and dynamic view.


  • 因此建立人口动态经济增长之间随机模型具有重要理论意义。

    Therefore, establishing the stochastic models between the population dynamics and economic growth has some theoretical significance.


  • 应用动态规划理论进行输电线路分段优化排位找出输电线路建设最佳综合性经济指标一种有效途径

    Using dynamic programming theory for optimized staking of transmission line in sections is one effective way to obtain the comprehensive optimum economic indexes for transmission line construction.


  • 文中基于动态投入产出理论导出确定线性经济系统控制模型

    A deterministic linear economic system control model based on dynamic input-output theory is derived.


  • 因此识别绿色增长企业成长之间动态交互关系可以企业经济增长提供理论指导

    Therefore, identifying the dynamic interactive relationship between green growth and enterprise growth can provide theoretical guidance for the enterprise economic growth.


  • 强调规模经济知识扩散增长理论直接证明空间优化能够提高各地区的长期增长速度,从而带来动态利益

    And the new growth theory which emphasizes economies of scale and knowledge diffusion directly proved that spatial optimization can promote long-term growth rate and bring about dynamic benefits.


  • 动态定价研究中,蛛网模型理论依托探讨需求导向型产业链内部动态定价机制,揭示了产业链运行的动态经济活动。

    In the dynamic pricing, on the basis of spider web model, we study the dynamic pricing mechanism of demand directing industrial chain and reveal the dynamic economic action.


  • 依据特点笔者引入制度经济理论制度均衡入手探讨股权战略联盟中的动态稳定问题

    The authors did a research of dynamic stabilization in Non-equity Strategic Alliance supported by the theories of institution equilibrium from New Institutional Economics.


  • 动态合约理论经济及管理学相关领域里应用广泛

    Dynamic contract theory is a useful tool for analyzing a variety of economic issues.


  • 为了既能验证动态步行理论结果,又能满足经济要求本文设计实现了基于总线型伺服电机平面无脚双机器人THR-I。

    To verify the theoretical results of dynamic walking and satisfy the economy requirements, this paper designs and implements a planar footless biped robot THR-I based on bus servo motor.


  • 应用资源经济理论自然旅游资源利用进行了静态分析动态分析,认为总收益最大并不等于收益最大,投资者会将更多的资金用于当前的自然旅游资源开发利用。

    Based on static analysis, dynamic analysis and resource economy, as the maximum gross income is not equal to maximum net income, investors spend more for present natural tourist resources development.


  • 法律市场中,行政立法成本有着丰富经济理论基础分为动态行政立法成本静态行政立法成本。

    In the legal market, the cost of the administrative legislation has its rich base of economic theory, it can be divided into movement and the geostationary.


  • 运用动态博弈理论市场有效性理论展望理论衍生金融工具信用风险、市场风险操作风险产生机理进行经济分析

    An economical analysis which USES Game theory, EMH and Prospect theory of the production mechanism about credit risks, market risk, and operation risk of the derivatives has been given.


  • 非线性动态系统可能出现现象,分岔理论我们研究社会经济系统中的某些异常现象提供了一种方法

    The bifurcation would occur in the nonlinear dynamical systems. The theory of bifurcation provides us a new method to explore the strange phenomena in the social-economic systems.


  • 文章构建了一个动态随机一般均衡模型理论实证两个方面分析中国货币经济波动问题

    This paper analyses China's monetary economic fluctuation theoretically and positively with a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model.


  • 文章基于信息经济理论构建委托代理模型研究我国上市公司资金闲置问题,并引入声誉因素模型进行动态博弈分析。

    Based on the model of principal-agent of information economics, this paper studied the phenomenon of leave unused capital of chinas listed enterprises.


  • 仿真实验结果表明,方法更准确地反映了水击极值点整个动态过程,对保证水电站运行安全性经济以及研究机组动态过程具有很高的理论和实际应用价值。

    The results have shown that this method will benefit the security and economy of hydropower plant operation and help the study of the dynamic process of the unit.


  • 经济高速增长时期实际汇率研究劳动生产率因素出发“巴拉萨·萨缪尔森效应具影响力理论

    Among the studies about real exchange transition trend during a country's high growth period, "Balassa-Samuelson effect" is the most influent theory from the standpoint of labor productivity factor.


  • 公平有效原则协作利益分配理论基础,依构建动态累计投入比为主体的利益分配模型,进而协调合作各方的经济利益关系。

    The principle of justice and efficiency is a theoretical basis of benefits distribution. This paper uses it as a base to construct the model of benefits distribution based on the rate of dynamic ac


  • 实际经济周期理论称为“宏观经济有利技术冲击”,目前,其倡导的动态随机一般均衡模型已经成为现代宏观经济分析基本工具

    This theory is called "a technological shock favourable to macro-economics'. At present, a dynamic and stochastic model of equilibrium has become a basic tool for modern macro-economic analysis."


  • 近年来,经济开始维持性危机预防角度出发研究汇率制度选择安排,汇率制度选择理论研究也从静态视角转向动态视角。

    In recent years, some economists have begun to study the choice and arrangement of exchange rate regimes from the two angles of tenability and crisis prevention, …


  • 近年来,经济开始维持性危机预防角度出发研究汇率制度选择安排,汇率制度选择理论研究也从静态视角转向动态视角。

    In recent years, some economists have begun to study the choice and arrangement of exchange rate regimes from the two angles of tenability and crisis prevention, …


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