• 汽车工业遭受全球经济危机影响深入骨髓。

    The car industry has been suffering the effects of the global economic crisis more than most.


  • 他们经济危机影响可能小于本地工人

    They will probably be less affected by the economic crisis than the native workers.


  • 由于市场经济危机的影响,我们希望贵方能够打折扣

    The market is influenced by the economic crisis, so a discount would be appreciated.


  • 经济危机影响制药巨头们合作模式越来越多。

    The impact of economic crisis, the pharmaceutical giant's co-operation more and more.


  • 至于其他方面波多黎各股市同样受到全球经济危机的影响

    As elsewhere, the global financial problems have also affected Puerto Rico's stock market.


  • 经济危机影响经济紧急状态问题越来越引起人们的关注

    Under the influence of the economic crisis, the problem of the economic state of emergency arises much concern.


  • 同时证明阿联酋致力于地方施政处理全球经济危机影响

    It is also proof that the UAE remains committed to local governance to deal with the effects of the global economic crisis.


  • 我们国家虽然受到东南亚经济危机影响,但对我们国家经济前途持乐观态度。

    I'm optimistic about the country's economic future though it has beets affected by the economic crisis of Southeast Asia.


  • 美国数以百万要么收到经济危机的影响失去他们职位要么被减薪,以防开除。

    Millions of people across the United States, either loss their positions as an end-result of the economic crisis or took a pay cut to keep from being terminated from positions.


  • 即使新兴经济市场能够完全躲避这次经济危机的影响投资者信心许多年之内不可能恢复的。

    Even if emerging markets escape a full-blown debt crisis, investors' confidence is unlikely to recover for years.


  • 一些欧洲进口商摩洛哥订单进行削减,幅度30%左右。主要是欧元区经济危机影响

    Some of the Moroccan exporters' main customers in Europe have cut their orders by close to 30%, largely due to the financial crisis surrounding the euro.


  • 一位当地建筑商查理·都兰记忆以来第一本地国家其他地方一样受到经济危机影响”。

    "This is the first time in memory that this area has felt an economic downturn similar to the rest of the country," says Charlie Dolan, a local builder.


  • 普京对瓦尔代俱乐部的评价可以看出,普京轻率相信俄罗斯经济增长不会全球经济危机的影响

    Throughout his remarks to the Valdai group, Mr Putin seemed blithely confident that Russia's economic growth would not be affected by the global crisis.


  • 经济危机影响生意现在很差去年四月开始大概减少60- 70%,而且现在下滑

    My business is badly affected by the economic crisis. It is about 60-70% down since April last year and it's continuing to go down.


  • 但是近年来由于受到国际经济危机影响,延边地区出国劳务人员人数起伏不定,劳务输出面临极大的挑战。

    Nearly years, because of the changing of policies among every country in the world, the population of export labor service in Yanbian is higher and higher.


  • 经济危机加大了上大学的竞争性,因为在经济危机的影响毕业生纷纷推迟工作那些失业的人又学习新的技能

    The recession has increased competition to get into university, as school leavers try to postpone their search for employment and those recently laid off want to gain new skills.


  • 尽管委内瑞拉小姐今年连续第二年摘得“环球小姐”桂冠,但该国极为成功的“造工厂感受到了全球经济危机的影响

    Despite a second consecutive victory at this year's Miss Universe, even Venezuela's hugely successful beauty factory is feeling the global pinch.


  • 的确八国集团中三个国家衰退幅度更大(上表),若说20年来表现欠佳的意大利可以免受此次经济危机的影响纯粹是异想天开

    True, three other G8 countries are doing worse still (see chart). But the notion that Italy, which has a 20-year history of underperformance, will miss the full impact of the recession is fanciful.


  • 东亚其他国家也是这样他们认为自己国家能够免受西方经济危机影响,但是现在他们发现自己其实跟世界上其他国家一样受伤严重——从某种意义上说,伤得更重

    The rest of East Asia, too, which had hoped that it was somehow "decoupled" from the economic trauma of the West, has found itself hit as hard as anywhere in the world—and in some cases harder.


  • 东亚其他国家也是这样他们认为自己国家能够免受西方经济危机影响,但是现在他们发现自己其实世界上其他国家一样受伤严重——某种意义说,伤得更重

    The rest of East Asia, too, which had hoped that it was somehow 2. decoupled from the economic trauma of the West, has found itself hit as hard as anywhere in the world—and in some cases harder.


  • 他们知道经济危机是否会影响我们去年11月签署协议执行能力

    They want to know if the economic crisis would affect our ability to carry out the deal we signed last November.


  • 2008年经济危机中,他们都是受其影响孩子许多他们父母失去工作毕生积蓄,或者两者都失去了。

    They were impressionable kids during the crash of 2008, when many of their parents lost their jobs or their life savings or both.


  • 国际劳工组织经济学家一些国家已经制定政策减轻经济危机期间工资较低影响

    International Labor Organization economists say some nations have come up with policies to lessen the impact of lower wages during the economic crisis.


  • 虽然泰勒从未试着理论应用男人身上经济危机无疑男士的办公室着装产生显著影响

    Though Taylor never tried to apply his theory to men, the economic crisis is certainly having an observable effect on what they wear to work.


  • 虽然泰勒从未试着理论应用男人身上经济危机无疑男士的办公室着装产生显著影响

    Though Taylor never tried to apply his theory to men, the economic crisis is certainly having an observable effect on what they wear to work.


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