That's why stock prices are one of the 10 components of the index of leading indicators.
Rather than being a leading indicator of an economic recovery, a growing suspicion is the A-share move is due to the huge bank stimulus lending being funneled into the stock market.
Stockmarket movements are a standard component of economic lead indicators.
Global economic data remains weak, with leading indicators showing limited signs of an upturn.
Earlier in the day, the Conference Board downward ly revised a leading indicator of Chinese economic growth.
Usually economic indicators are ahead of price one to two quarters, it's probability in the first quarter of next year that the inflation will end.
There was less good news out of Europe, however, as a leading indicator for the German economy fell for the seventh month in a row.
With the leading, synchronous and delaying indexes of alarm analysis for macro-economy, the economic alarm index system of gas field development is set up.
The Conference Board, which established its China center in 2005, publishes leading economic indexes for the U. S. and other large economies like Japan, Mexico and South Korea.
Using macroeconomic leading index, synchronous index and lag index for reference, set up the economy early warning index system of gas field development.
The economic index of some pillar enterprises, such as the Weimian Textile Group, and the Yaguang Group, are leaders in the textile, dyeing, and cotton enterprises nationwide.
美国将于1000ET/ 1500揭晓的工厂订单同样将是衡量美国经济环境的重要指标,因其是经济强度的领先指标。
US factory orders at 1000ET/ 1500 BST will also be important to gauge the economic climate in the US, as this can be a lead indicator of economic strength.
As a result, forecasts of the LEI's performance are generally accurate.
As a result, forecasts of the LEI's performance are generally accurate.