• 依据结构可靠度设计理论提出边坡稳定验算概率统计方法

    According to the design theory of the structure reliability, this paper presents the probability statistical method of the checking calculation of slope stability.


  • 简要概述了结构可靠度设计基础、不确定因素设计影响因素。

    The base and design influence factors of structural reliability design are summarized simply.


  • 按照建议分项系数值,能较好的满足建筑结构可靠设计统一标准》可靠指标的要求。

    The results fit Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Building Structures well with the separate coefficient suggested by this paper.


  • 中文摘要研究旨在透过结构可靠设计理论,对营建载重模板支撑本体进行整合性研究

    This paper aims to conduct integration study on construction loads and falsework strength with design theories for structure reliability.


  • 建筑结构设计分析结构体系可靠概念思想日益为人们所接受计算一直一个难点问题。

    The concept and idea of reliability of system has been accepted in the design and analysis of building structures, but its calculation is a difficult point all the while.


  • 然后采用最佳矢量法求解结构体系可靠度指标约束最小重量优化设计问题

    Secondly, the problem of the minimum weight design is resolved by using the optimum vector algorithm under the constraint of the structure system reliability.


  • 根据有限元理论最优化理论,同时考虑结构受力特点给出了塔架体系可靠度约束下最优化设计方法

    Based on finite element theory and optimization theory, considering mechanical properties of the structure, the reliability optimization design method of tower truss system is presented.


  • 由于荷载环境作用结构设计参数随机性模糊性,它们都影响路面结构可靠度水平。

    The random and fuzzy quality in the load, environment and design parameters will affect the reliability of pavement structure.


  • 这种高压变频器设计新颖、独特,功率器件结构简洁可靠负荷均衡线性,具有良好的控制特性

    The high voltage inverter is of novel design, fewer power devices, simple structure, high reliability, balanced load distribution, good linearity and ideal control properties.


  • 抗震结构可靠度决策结构抗震设计具有非常重要作用

    The optimal reliability decision for aseismic structures plays a very important role in their design.


  • 为此可靠度概念理论应运而生最终应用结构设计中。

    So, Reliability concepts and theories have emerged and eventually applied in the structural design.


  • 侯爽,钢筋混凝土结构预期使用期可靠设计FRP加固监测

    RC Structure Reliability Design for Expected Service Life and Its FRP Strengthening and Monitoring.


  • 现有结构优化设计模型绝大多数是针对确定性情况下的优化,对工程结构可靠考虑不多

    Among the existing optimum design models, majority only aim at the optimization which just in the definite conditions and the factor of structural reliability is ignored.


  • 通过船墩三维结构随机力学分析提出基于可靠度理论下的靠船墩设计方法直接应用于工程实践

    Based on the analysis of three-dimensional structure random mechanics of pier, this paper advances reliability design method, which can be applied directly in engineering practice.


  • 对指数—正模式结构可靠度理论值设计进行比较给出它们之间的相对误差估计

    Compares the accurate reliability value with the designed value of the reliability of the exponential distribution normal distribution model and gives the relative error.


  • 通过结构体系失效概率直接进行调整实现现役结构可靠度维修设计

    We achieve the maintenance design for existing structural reliability by direct adjusting the failure probability of a structural system.


  • 因此,设计基准期预先确定条件,化工结构设计可靠度水平综合考虑腐蚀性环境及其建筑结构影响特点来决策。

    On the condition that the design service life is confirmed, the design reliability level of the chemical structures should include the corrosive environment and its effect on the structures.


  • 分析了结构可靠理论特点揭示了设计使用年限结构可靠度时间特征

    Structural reliability characters are analyzed, and it is shown that working life is characters of structural reliability in time.


  • 本文基于现行抗震规范设计方法,运用荷载抗力分项系数结构损伤可靠进行了研究

    This paper studies reliability - based damage performance design of structures with load and resistance factor design method.


  • 为了基于结构体系可靠设计理论运用框架结构设计必须工程中钢框架结构的体系可靠做出实际评价

    To bring the system reliability-based design theory to use in the design of steel frames, the actual evaluation for the system reliability of steel frames used in engineering is needed.


  • 分析并指出了我国现行结构耐火设计方法缺点,建议采用性能化设计方法提高结构耐火设计可靠

    It is proposed that the base-performance design should be introduced to improve the reliability of fire resistance of steel structure.


  • 分析火炮材料载荷结构尺寸的离散出发,建立了火炮身管设计可靠度模型

    The reliability model of strength design of gun barrel is built on the basis of analysis about distributions of material property, loads and dimensions.


  • 给出梁桥承载力可靠功能函数推导功能函数结构抗力理论(设计)概率模型

    And the state function on bearing capacity reliability of beam-bridge is presented and the structure resistance theory (or design) probability model in state function is deduced.


  • 结果表明模型可以有效地反映接头实际情况粘接结构可靠度设计提供了依据。

    The results showed that the probabilistic model could reflect the real conditions of adhesive joint and provide reference for the probability design in adhesive structure.


  • 虽然大量结构构件加固设计方法,加固后结构构件可靠度研究资料相当

    However, the little researches and data about the reliability of the repaired concrete structures can be provided, although a lot of means for reinforcement are able to be applied.


  • 随着以概率论为基础可靠度设计优化分析海岸工程结构中的应用不规则波浪概率分布成为研究重点

    The probability distribution of irregular wave force has been disquisitive emphasis by reliability design and optimize design used in maritime structures.


  • 基于结构动态可靠度理论,探讨结构加固优化设计问题建立了结构加固优化设计基本方法体系

    Based on dynamic reliability, the problem of strengthening design optimization is discussed. The basic system of strengthening design optimization methods is established.


  • 本文一个实际工程进行了结构抗震可靠度分析优化设计计算

    In this paper we take an actual project as example, did some research on the structure's seismic reliability analysis and optimization Design.


  • 实验证明设计结构简单频率稳定谐波分量可靠满足测试要求

    Experiments prove that the design has the advantage of simple structure, highly stable frequency, less harmonic component, better stability, which can fulfill the test requirement.


  • 实验证明设计结构简单频率稳定谐波分量可靠满足测试要求

    Experiments prove that the design has the advantage of simple structure, highly stable frequency, less harmonic component, better stability, which can fulfill the test requirement.


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