And if that result had been wrong, would we ever have found out?
Reason: Much of the information that people assume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate.
In this paper, we show that some recent results on KKM theorem are false.
But, as at other times in GM's recent troubled history, the promise of that autumn turned out to be false.
In short, as Barber and his colleagues explain in a recent paper in Geophysical Review Letters, the analysis of what the satellites were seeing was wrong.
So, if I submit the wrong query, Zappos might show me the wrong results, but it also shows me why the results are wrong and helps me figure out a better search.
As a result, your requests aren't able to be redirected to another server without generating a security error.
The end result is that tests are run many times a day and your team is able to catch integration errors more quickly — normally within a few hours.
If the projected consequences of the wrong choice are minor, we should make the best decision based on what we know now and move on.
As we've seen time and again, the inability to predict and understand a program's behavior has easily predictable consequences — buggy software.
The consequence is that, even if memory is overwritten immediately on freeing and the new pointed value differs from the expected one, the new value might be hard to recognize as erroneous.
Unfortunately, the likelihood is that they will take potshots at the wrong targets and ignore deeper problems.
Invoke simple quote with BOGUS and verify that you get back an invalid stock symbol error.
We all know people such as Thomas Edison, and we know how many times made mistake even big mistakes and we also know what the final result was: he became that Thomas Edison that we now know.
结果是从SimpleD b检索相同UUID,因此可以在这里进行检查,看看返回的评论字段是否是您所希望的(如果不是则说明出现了错误)。
The result is the retrieval of the same UUID back from SimpleDB, so you could check here to see if the resulting comment field is the one you wanted (otherwise something went wrong).
如果变量val的值是None,那么(not val)的结果是true,就会显示错误消息。
If the value of the variable val is None, then the result of (not val) will be true, and the error message will be displayed.
The consequences of this are an incorrect understanding of the responsibilities of each layer in the reference architecture. This in turn manifests itself in.
Over the years, however, nature keeps going on in her imperfect way and the result, in spite of her many mistakes, is a continuing miracle.
As a result, most shareware authors make the same mistake: they sell their product for far too little.
"I didn't believe this stuff. Most of the studies were based on small Numbers and the findings could easily be spurious," he said.
This result was a clear evidence of error at the starting-point.
I hope to be proven astoundingly wrong in my assessment, but I'm struggling to see alternative outcomes.
I hope to be proven astoundingly wrong in my assessment, but I'm struggling to see alternative outcomes.