• 报名就读于维也纳大学

    I enrolled at the University of Vienna.


  • 1964年夏天牛津大学暑假期间正在维也纳大学学习。

    I was studying at the University of Vienna, between semesters at Oxford, during the summer of 1964.


  • 奥地利维也纳大学完成建筑设计专业的深造。

    He had recently completed advanced studies in building design at the University of Vienna in Austria.


  • 1847年成为名牧师后来也去过维也纳大学学习科学

    He became a priest in 1847 and later studied science at the University of Vienna.


  • 1902年,弗洛伊德任命为维也纳大学教授,在他名下聚集了一批热忱追随者

    In 1902, Freud was appointed professor at the University of Vienna and began to gather a devoted following.


  • 起初,弗洛伊德打算学习法律后来决定学医,并于1873年考入维也纳大学

    Freud first thought about studying law, but then he decided to study medicine. He enrolled at the University of Vienna in 1873.


  • 于是医学法律成了这个犹太青年最容易接受职业。1873年,进入了维也纳大学医学院

    Medicine and law were the professions then open to Jewish men, and in 1873 he entered the University of Vienna medical school.


  • 维也纳大学研究表明出生春季夏季的女孩子出生在秋季冬季的女孩子在考试中容易得高分

    Research at the University of Vienna indicates that female students born in spring and summer achieved better marks than those born in autumn and winter.


  • 维也纳大学教授这场音乐会帮助欧洲人更好的理解中国文化历史重大价值。

    Richard Trappl, a professor of the University of Vienna, gave a thumbs- up sign, saying the concert was a worthwhile effort to help Europeans better understand Chinese history and culture.


  • 毕业维也纳大学艺术史专业,之后作为一个自由职业艺术家斯图加特德国柏林居住工作过

    She studied art history at the University of Vienna and has also lived and worked in Stuttgart and Berlin, Germany.


  • 维也纳大学这个研究小组杰哈德·克罗奇教授担任组长,共招募了820多岁的未婚子女情侣作为研究对象。

    A team led by Professor Gerhard Kloesch at the University of Vienna recruited eight unmarried, childless couples in their twenties for their study.


  • 如果人们没有担忧量子物理基础,量子信息学这个领域甚至不会存在。”奥地利维也纳大学的安东?蔡林格

    "This field wouldn't even exist if people hadn't worried about the foundations of quantum physics," says Anton Zeilinger of the University of Vienna in Austria.


  • 星期AntonZeilinger一篇文章揭示了答案维也纳大学量子物理学家及其同事发表了《物理期刊》上。

    This week, an answer comes in a paper from Anton Zeilinger, a quantum physicist at the University of Vienna, and colleagues, published in the New Journal of Physics.


  • 1844年2月20日出生于维也纳玻尔兹曼就读于维也纳大学22获得博士学位在25岁时成为格拉兹大学数学物理学专业教授

    Born in Vienna, February 20th 1844, Boltzmann attended the University of Vienna, gaining a PhD degree at age 22, and becoming Professor of Mathematical Physics at the University of Graz at age 25.


  • 维也纳大学神经生物学系Friederike Range博士给人演示了,认为其他相比受到不公平待遇会表现激烈妒忌情绪。

    Dr Friederike Range, of the University of Vienna's neurobiology department, has shown that dogs feel intense jealously when they spot that they are unfairly treated compared with other dogs.


  • 摄影师弗里德里希·阿道夫·帕内特1887年出生奥地利,他的双亲都是犹太人。1910年,帕内特获得维也纳大学有机化学博士学位

    Thee photographer, Friedrich Adolf Paneth, was born in Austria in 1887 to Jewish parents and went on to receive a PhD in organic chemistry from the University of Vienna in 1910.


  • 奥地利维也纳大学神经生物学博士弗里德里克·朗格称,当意识到自己得到的关注不如其它狗,即受到了不公正待遇表现强烈嫉妒情绪。

    Dr Friederike Range, of the University of Vienna's neurobiology department, has shown that dogs feel intense jealously when they spot that they are unfairly treated compared with other dogs.


  • 奥地利维也纳大学物理学界安东东·蔡林格第一位提出这个想法的科学家2001年的时候欧洲空间局ESA)提出了这个想法,但是却没有成功

    Thee scientist who first proposed the idea to the European Space Agency (ESA), without success, in 2001, is University of Vienna physicist Anton Zeilinger.


  • 1985到1995年,潘建伟在中国科学技术大学学习后,在1996年赴维也纳深造,并于2001年回国。

    After he studied at the University of Science and Technology of China from 1985 to 1995, Pan went to Vienna in 1996 for further studies and stayed there until 2001.


  • 维也纳潜入技术大学夜班上课这是获得唯一正式工程教育

    In Vienna, he sneaked into night classes at the Technical University, the only 'formal' engineering education he ever obtained.


  • 维也纳工业大学Erald vucini他的同事共同研制出来一种数学工具这个工具是以最好的方法显示数据而不是规则框架中描绘数据。

    Erald vucini at Vienna University of Technology and colleagues have developed mathematical tools that work out the best way to display data not captured on a regular framework.


  • 奥地利维也纳科技大学Gilbert Wondracek同事建立了一个针对商业社交网站Xing的窃取网站。

    Gilbert Wondracek at the Vienna University of Technology in Austria and his colleagues built a history-stealing website aimed at groups on Xing, a business-orientated social network.


  • Jesse维也纳飞机美国celine见完外婆正要巴黎大学

    Jesse is going to Vienna to catch a flight back to the United States, whereas celine is returning to university in Paris after visiting her grandmother.


  • 1937年,杰里纽约大学度过了几个毫无收获星期之后,塞林格父子便维也纳了。

    In 1937, after Jerry spent a few unproductive weeks at New York University, the two Salingers set out for Vienna.


  • 1937年,杰里纽约大学度过了几个毫无收获星期之后,塞林格父子便维也纳了。

    In 1937, after Jerry spent a few unproductive weeks at New York University, the two Salingers set out for Vienna.


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