NOS activity was significantly increased in bradykinin perfusion group comparing with control group.
The outcome is the generation of bradykinin, which increases vascular permeability and inflammation.
Moreover, the enzyme hydrolyzed bovine low molecular mass kininogen and releasing bradykinin.
Objective To investigate the effect of bradykinin (BK) on tight junction (TJ) of the blood-tumor barrier (BTB) and interendothelial TJ of capillaries in brain glioma rats.
Bradykinin is a very powerful endothelium - dependent vasodilator and this is very important for clinicians.
When targeted by the bradykinin, these proteins then cause the nerve cells to send electrical 'pain' signals to the brain.
Objective To observe the effect of bradykinin(BK) on kidney mesangial cell multiplication and extracellular matrix secretion under high glucose environment.
方法通过双重免疫组化染色,确定缓激肽b 2受体是存在于血管内皮细胞上还是存在于肿瘤细胞上。
Methods to determine whether the expression of bradykinin B2 receptor are on the vascular endothelial cell or cerebral glioma cell, double immunohistochemistry was used.
方法通过双重免疫组化染色,确定缓激肽b 2受体是存在于血管内皮细胞上还是存在于肿瘤细胞上。
Methods to determine whether the expression of bradykinin B2 receptor are on the vascular endothelial cell or cerebral glioma cell, double immunohistochemistry was used.