What a heart wrenching experience it is to see real people and little children dying because of the lack of food.
He complains that the shelling on the port area, along with the lack of food and water made living conditions extremely difficult.
The reason most people gain weight is because they fill themselves with food to make up for a lack of love.
And we believe that these problems are directly related to lack of access to affordable healthy food.
If global warming means they're not getting enough food, the conditions below the penguins could be even worse.
Many survivors have been braving freezing temperatures without water, electricity, fuel or enough food.
没水、没电、缺少食物,在郊外的三所避难所里,灾民们互相照应。 “不能洗脸洗澡。”
With no water or electricity, and scant food, survivors keep each other company at one of three emergency shelters on the outskirts of what remains of the town.
In humans, skipping breakfast depresses glucose levels and so may be interpreted by the body as indicating poor environmental conditions and low food availability.
难营里的情况经常骇人听闻- - -过度拥挤,环境恶劣,严重缺少食物和饮用水。
Conditions in its camps are often appalling-they are overcrowded, filthy and desperately short of food and drinking water.
Good Food spokesman Roopa Gulati said: 'the research shows how busy lifestyles and a lack of culinary know-how are impacting on the dishes we feel confident to cook.
In that moment, there was no wider context, no bigger picture - just the eyes of a child who might die soon because of the lack of food; unacceptable and a sad reality.
What's more, some health experts believe that when your diet is missing certain foods for healthy skin, other, even more serious skin problems can result.
In a world in which food is scarce, it is smart for an animal to eat when it can and storeupthe fat, and suicidal to pass up the chance for sweet fruit or fresh meat.
Mohamed Abu Tunyan, a worker from Bangladesh, explains that the shelling and the lack of food and water made living conditions dire for himself and hundreds of other Bangladeshis.
In New Orleans with a small Jewish population, there is a cultural demand for Jewish food and a cultural lack of Judaism.
The company says it will also address the problem of “food deserts” — a dearth of grocery stores selling fresh produce in rural and underserved urban areas like Anacostia — by building more stores.
Just like food, Communication too has always been the most integral part of our everyday life.
New conditions, perhaps territory free of competitors or a new technology for getting food, allowed people who carried them to flourish just as well as people who did not have them.
除了胡萝卜,卷心菜、生菜也是维生素A含量很高的食物。 身体缺少了维生素A,人会得夜盲症。
Carrot is a good choice for having Vitamin A. but besides carrots, you can also have cabbage and lettuce which are also good sources of Vitamin A. Lack of Vitamin A can cause night blindness.
The foods that people eat during the Spring Festival are also high in fat, a leftover tradition from the old days when food was scarce and meat was rare,”he said.
The foods that people eat during the Spring Festival are also high in fat, a leftover tradition from the old days when food was scarce and meat was rare, "he said."
Galya had recently abandoned her three-week-old cubs, all of whom were found dead with no food in their bellies.
Galya had recently abandoned her three-week-old cubs, all of whom were found dead with no food in their bellies.