Ronald Reagan trailed Jimmy Carter 39% to 47% ten days before the 1980 election.
America's tax take is at its lowest level for decades: even Ronald Reagan raised taxes when he needed to do so.
In the three decades since Richard Nixon was turfed out of office, Ronald Reagan has been the only Republican candidate with a surname longer than one syllable.
The Ronald Reagan "was operating at sea about 100 miles northeast of the power plant at the time," the statement said, without specifying when the exposure took place.
声明说,“当时,罗纳德里根号 正在距福岛核电站东北100英里的海上执行救灾任务,根本没有意识到发生爆炸。
The Ronald Reagan "was operating at sea about 100 miles northeast of the power plant at the time, " the statement said, without specifying when the exposure took place.
Ronald Reagan, who has done much to embody the new American self-confidence, took his November landslide as a mandate, a massive validation of his work.
Ronald Reagan, by then the state governor, was horrified: "If Eldridge Cleaver is allowed to teach our children, they may come home one night and slit our throats."
Ronald Reagan, by then the state governor, was horrified: "If Eldridge Cleaver is allowed to teach our children, they may come home one night and slit our throats."