• 资方向罢工伸出了橄榄枝

    Management is holding out an olive branch to the strikers.


  • 罢工同意撤走纠察队员,公司进行会谈

    The strikers agreed to remove their pickets and hold talks with the company.


  • 这些罢工者正在要求更高工资更好的工作条件

    The strikers are demanding higher pay and better working conditions.


  • 罢工周前拒绝接受协议他们要求变得不合理。

    The strikers were being unreasonable in their demands, having rejected the deal two weeks ago.


  • 这些罢工者要求得到更高工资州政府他们无力支付。

    The strikers want higher wages, which state governments say they can't afford.


  • 政府发出警告罢工停止他们的行动否则将被免职

    The government issued a warning that the strikers should end their action or face dismissal.


  • 芝加哥学校罢工核心人物不是罢工也不是管理而是35万名儿童

    The central figures in the Chicago schools strike are neither strikers nor managers but 350,000 children.


  • 英国罢工引用戈登·布朗用词错误来向施压,要求“把英国的就业机会留给英国工人”(此文)。

    British strikers, quoting Gordon Brown's ill-chosen words back at him, are demanding that he provide "British jobs for British workers" (see article).


  • 罢工要求增加最低工资许多仍然怨恨事实就是一个主要非洲裔加勒比岛国大部分的企业被白人所拥有。

    The strikers want an increase in the minimum wage; many also resent the fact that a lot of businesses are whiteowned in a mainly Afro-Caribbean island.


  • 罢工并未反映资本劳动力之间无法逾越的沟壑:相反几乎所有韩国都是资本家许多罢工依然将票投给了李明博

    Yet the strikes do not reflect an unbridgeable divide between capital and Labour: rather, nearly all South Koreans are capitalists, and many of the strikers had voted for Mr Lee.


  • 罢工停止工作,乘客奋力奔公司时,340,000名法国少年正在纠结:我们活着为了开心吗?。

    Asstrikers downed tools and commuters battled to work, some 340,000 French teenagers werewrestling with the question "Do we live in order to be happy?"


  • 罢工者宣扬英国工人的工作技能,说是因为工资工作条件当地人低——该主张遭到了IREM和道达尔(Total)的否认

    The strikers, evangelical about British workmanship, say it is because the newcomers are undercutting local wages and conditions—a claim both IREM and Total deny.


  • 大多数经营希望避免罢工的发生。

    Most managements are keen to avoid strikes.


  • 然而过去12个月中这些通勤经历了近年来严重铁路罢工

    However, over the past 12 months, those commuters have also experienced some of the worst rail strikes in years.


  • 为了继续坐享丰厚利润这些公司的管理们进行了游说,拿一些政客们感兴趣的主题说事儿——减少利润可能引发裁员罢工它们将可能雇佣更多亚洲劳动力云云

    To preserve their comfortable position, the incumbents have lobbied using themes which resonate with politicians-that lower profits could trigger job cuts, strikes and more outsourcing to Asia.


  • 提姆·丘奇(Tim Church)是MySpace罢工网页创办。他表示,下一轮抵制行动5月1开始,并无限期持续下去。

    Tim Church, organiser of the MySpace strike page, has indicated that a follow-up boycott, scheduled for May 1, will ask sellers to hold out indefinitely.


  • 学校老师医院护士可能是受害他们因此宣布加入罢工的行列。

    Schools and hospitals are likely to suffer as teachers and nurses announced they would join the strike.


  • 据说布莱尔先生试图削减中情局一些秘密工作发现白宫掠夺罢工其他秘密行动情有独钟。

    Mr Blair is said to have tried to curtail some of the CIA's covert operations, but discovered that the White House was enamoured of Predator strikes and other secret operations.


  • 去年日内瓦附近一个食品加工厂工人由于主管试图禁止厂房使用手机罢工,管理被迫妥协

    Last year at a food-processing factory near Geneva, the workers revolted when the director tried to ban mobile phones from the factory floor, and he was forced to relent.


  • 虽然支持可能堵塞公路发动罢工造成不便,但他们无法点燃可能迫使robertoMicheletti谈判群众抗议

    Although his supporters can cause inconvenience by blocking roads and staging strikes, they have failed to ignite the mass protests that might force Mr Micheletti to negotiate.


  • 将军是不是会拒绝工人罢工支付报酬诱惑,从而耽搁废除埃及10几年前紧急事件的法律偏向以色列迷惑的批评

    Can the generals resist the temptation to smash workers striking for pay, to delay the repeal of Egypt’s decades-old “emergencylaw or to deflect criticism by demonising Israel?


  • 罢工平均女人认为之间丈夫一个月前,嫁给,她认为什么对他一年后,真相

    Strike an average between what a woman thinks of her husband a month before she marries him and what she thinks of him a year afterward, and you will have the truth about him.


  • 墨西哥实现加入NAFTA不久,一场货币危机使这个国家陷入经济萧条小企业所有举行罢工,反对自由贸易。

    In Mexico, where a currency crisis threw the nation into depression shortly after implementation of NAFTA, small business owners were in the street, too, opposing "free trade".


  • 绿色奈特允许任何人接受挑战罢工自己斧子,但条件找到挑战整整收到打击回报

    The Green Knight says that he will allow whomever accepts the challenge to strike him with his own axe, on the condition that the challenger find him in exactly one year to receive a blow in return.


  • 东北部城市世界杯举办地点之一累西腓,警察集体罢工掠夺趁火打劫,洗劫超市商店车辆等。

    Looters took advantage of a three-day police strike in the northeastern city of Recife, a World Cup venue. Supermarkets, shops and vehicles were ransacked.


  • 罢工牧场主种植拒绝销售肉牛谷物使得当地谷物市场陷于瘫痪,再次上演了一场在去年曾折磨该国经济剧烈冲突

    Ranchers and growers are refusing to sell cattle and grains in a strike that has paralyzed local grain markets and revived a bitter conflict that gripped the country last year.


  • 石油巨头道达提炼厂仓库工人支持已经罢工10了,他们聚集公司工厂外面野餐

    At oil giant Total's Gargenville refinery depot, supporters of workers who have been striking for 10 days gathered for a picnic in the rain outside the company's facilities.


  • 如果迅速减少借债规模,出现“国债罢工”(gilt strike)现象——投资要求持有国债获得越来越高的回报。

    If its borrowing is not rapidly reduced there will be a "gilt strike" - investors will demand higher and higher prices for holding government paper.


  • 相关立法过于原则,对集体谈判主体规定不够明确,缺少罢工肯定,不利于劳动集体谈判保护

    For example, the subject is not clear, labor union's power is weak, the legislation of collective bargaining is not feasible enough, and there is nearly no rule to protect the right for strike.


  • 相关立法过于原则,对集体谈判主体规定不够明确,缺少罢工肯定,不利于劳动集体谈判保护

    For example, the subject is not clear, labor union's power is weak, the legislation of collective bargaining is not feasible enough, and there is nearly no rule to protect the right for strike.


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