• 我们天要我们服务器上清除数以百万计的垃圾邮件,”美国在线公司发言人尼古拉斯·格雷厄姆

    "We zap millions and millions of spam mails a day from our servers," AOL spokesman Nicholas Graham said.


  • 至少一部分(最大的优质在线内容制造商),美国在线公司正在取得进展

    At least when it comes to the first part, AOL is making headway.


  • 稍早美国在线公司开始解雇一月答应劳动力减少的这700个人

    AOL earlier this month began laying off the 700 people it promised in January to cut from its workforce.


  • 美国在线公司高级主管马克·拉米瑞茨完全可以坐在舒适的椅上工作——如果愿意的话

    Mark Ramirez, a senior executive at AOL, could work in the cushiest leather chair, if he wanted.


  • 时代华纳的股票价格已经持续走低,自从二月“企业狙击手”卡尔·伊坎出击公司之后公司股票已经下跌了9%。杰夫·毕克斯理查德·帕森斯都认为搞定美国在线肯定会让股票价格再次上扬。

    Time Warner's share price has been falling for a while, and has declined by 9% since the firm.


  • 世界上最大媒体公司时代华纳里,几乎没有公司互联网部门美国在线(AOL)好的评价

    FEW people at Time Warner, the biggest media company in the world, have anything nice to say about AOL, its Internet division.


  • 今年夏天,时代华纳互联网美国传媒公司——美国在线明白了互联网能够些什么

    THIS summer, AOL, the Internet division of Time Warner, a big American media company, learned what the web can achieve.


  • 时代华纳愿意保留他们媒体业务的遗产比如人物杂志,而不是最大互联网公司之一,美国在线不放

    Time Warner would rather keep their legacy old-media businesses like People magazine than hold onto one of the biggest Internet companies out there, AOL.


  • 他们从不回头或许拳击场上美国在线雅虎公司尝试证明这条铁律适应行动迟缓网络巨头公司

    "THEY never come back" may be an ironclad law of boxing, but AOL and Yahoo! Are trying to prove that it does not apply to lumbering online giants.


  • 美国在线不再是必品牌。该公司需要优秀的销售人员推广品牌。不幸的是,顶尖级的销售人员已抛弃了美国在线

    AOL is no longer a must-buy property. It needs strong sales people to sell the brand. Unfortunately, it just lost its top sales people.


  • 两家公司2000年合并之时,美国在线市值几乎现在高100倍,且美国最大互联网服务提供商——其用户大多免费注册CD招揽来的拨号上网用户。

    At the 2000 merger, the company's value was almost 100 times greater and AOL was America's largest Internet service provider, mostly dial-up accounts attracted by free CDs.


  • 2002年,用了两周协商,就美国在线服务公司达成一项复杂广告收入分享协议

    In 2002, it took just weeks to negotiate a complicated advertising revenue-sharing agreement with AOL.


  • 时代华纳美国在线服务公司2001年合并令他深感不安。因此,在一灾难性并购成为现实即刻就离开了华纳公司,并及时自己股份变现

    Deeply apprehensive about the merger between time Warner and AOL in 2001, Mr Fernandes left Warner Music soon after the disastrous deal was finalised, cashing in his shares just in time.


  • 毫无疑问这起并购案2000年美国在线服务公司时代华纳合并之后互联网行业最大一起。

    To be sure, the merger, which would be the internet industry's biggest since the ill-fated union of AOL and Time Warner in 2000, is far from a done deal.


  • 公司第二季度财务数据低迷,8月初阿姆斯特朗发布该报告时称,2013年,美国在线的业务出现改观。

    In reporting the company's dismal second-quarter numbers earlier this month, Armstrong said a turnaround would take until 2013.


  • 拥有强大质量四月份占有了美国43%市场份额,如果使用Google搜索技术网络公司美国在线,将达到50%的份额。

    It has by far the most mass, with an American market share of 43% as of April, which reaches 50% counting AOL, an Internet property that USES Google's search technology.


  • 公司自动化情绪分析工具客户包括美国在线万豪日产沃尔玛温迪美国联合航空公司以及其他十几财富1000公司

    The company's automated sentiment tools are used by AOL, Marriott, Nissan, Wal-Mart, Wendy's, United Airlines and a dozen other Fortune 1,000 firms.


  • 公司自动化情绪分析工具客户包括美国在线万豪日产沃尔玛温迪美国联合航空公司以及其他十几家财富1000公司

    The company's automated sentiment tools are used by AOL, Marriott, Nissan, Wal-Mart, Wendy's, United Airlines and a dozen other Fortune 1, 000 firms.


  • 11月29日周一美国在线购物总额超过10亿美元,网络调查公司comScore说, 这是日花销的最高纪录

    AMERICA'S shoppers spent over $1 billion online on Monday November 29th, the biggest one-day total ever recorded, according to comScore, an internet-research firm.


  • OpenID仍然正处于试用采纳阶段,将变得越来越欢迎。现在许多大的企业美国在线微软SunNovell公司都已经开始接受提供OpenIDs

    OpenID is still in the adoption phase and is becoming more and more popular, as large organizations like AOL, Microsoft, Sun, Novell, etc. begin to accept and provide OpenIDs.


  • 进入美国在线工作之前琳达Aronson,Porter一家公司,那Aronson, Porter开的一家法律公司记得,是理事会成员,她从业经历有长时间美国在线有关。

    Before doing AOL, Lynda was partner in a firm of Aronson Porter a law firm of Aronson Porter and she was I think served in the council she had such a good long experience with AOL.


  • 外面世界里上千服务供应商爸爸喜欢美国在线服务公司更小本地服务商

    In the outside world there are literally thousands of service providers - from the big daddy's like AOL to smaller local providers.


  • 时代华纳美国在线公司

    Time Warner is parent company of AOL.


  • 过去周内雅虎其它公司讨论了合并事宜,包括新闻公司AOL(美国在线)以及谷歌

    In the last two weeks, Yahoo has discussed possible combinations with other companies, including the News Corporation, AOL and Google.


  • 出于这个原因美国在线结合公司提供软件试图提供额外防卫

    For this reason, AOL has partnered with a few companies to provide software that offers extra layers of protection.


  • 只有我们偶然听到类似美国在线服务公司发布650,000名用户搜索记录时,我们才得到提醒要关注我们隐私或者说缺少隐私的问题。

    It's only when we have slip ups like the AOL release of the search records of 650,000 users that we get a reminder about our privacy or lack of privacy.


  • 2003年的今天美国在线-时代华纳集团解散了网景通讯公司同时著名的莫兹拉基金会在同一天成立

    2003 - AOL Time Warner disbands Netscape Communications Corporation. The Mozilla Foundation is established on the same day.


  • 2003年的今天美国在线-时代华纳集团解散了网景通讯公司同时著名的莫兹拉基金会在同一天成立

    2003 - AOL Time Warner disbands Netscape Communications Corporation. The Mozilla Foundation is established on the same day.


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