He pointed to an ABC News story on a young soldier who has been charged with leaking sensitive material to Assange.
Reports to that effect had appeared in recent days on CNN and ABC News and in the Daily Mail, among others.
Mazza, 30, told ABC News she posted her before and after photos because she's now learning to appreciate her new body and wants other moms too as well.
As the WSJ notes, Google (GOOG) would then have access to Yahoo's longstanding relationships with "so-called premium-content publishers like ABC News."
杨在接受美国广播公司新闻网采访时表示:“为了比赛,我必须早上很早出发。” 她补充说道,参赛者们被巴士载到犹他州的沃萨奇山脉,这里是比赛下坡路段的开始。
"I had to leave really early in the morning for the race, " Young told ABC News, adding that therunners were taken by bus up the Wasatch Mountains in Utah, to the start of the downhillcourse.
TURNER NETWORKS has just sent out an E-mail to the press boasting that CNN, which it owns, drew more viewers to its election night broadcasts than did MSNBC, a rival cable-news network.
For ten years readers have been enjoying free news online, and the BBC, public-radio stations and commercial television-news outfits such as CNN will continue to supply it.
A 2009 study found that viewers of Al Jazeera English were more open-minded than people who got their news from CNN International and BBC World.
The ABC News of the United States said in a story headlined Errors Mar Cox Report that there are many amazing DE facto mistakes.
The ABC News of the United States said in a story headlined Errors Mar Cox Report that there are many amazing DE facto mistakes.