• 氟橡胶美国杜邦注册名称

    Viton is a registered name of DuPont.


  • 防护采用美国杜邦公司高密度面料通过检测证实,尚未发现渗透现象

    The protection layer of the pillow core is produced by adopting the high-density face fabrics provided by DuPont. It is proved by test that there is no tea saturation phenomenon.


  • 杜邦分析法美国杜邦公司首创的财务分析方法可贵之处就是我们提供一种简单明了财务分析框架

    DuPont formula is a method of financial analysis that DuPont Company created first. It is valuable to provide us with a simple framework for the financial analysis.


  • 世界涂料企业巨头之一美国杜邦公司有着悠久的历史,美国杜邦的成功来源于世界各地伙伴的支持优秀领导阶层

    Coatings world, one of the U. S. corporate giant DuPont has a long history of DuPont "s success comes from partners around the world for their support and good leadership."


  • 美国杜邦业绩世界第六进入第三世界多个国家设有生产基地代理美国杜邦全球形成自己营销网络专卖体系

    DuPont "s performance by the world" s sixth into third in the world, with production bases in many countries and agents, DuPont has formed a global marketing network and its own proprietary system.


  • ADVANTA美国杜邦公司适应汽车工业寻求高性能价格橡胶这种市场挑战开发一种性能价格比更高的特种橡胶,它具有独特耐热性能的平衡

    ADVANTA was a special purpose rubber which had high performance and low cost developed by Du Pont Company for the automobile market challenge. ADVANTA had special balance on heat and oil resistance.


  • 对此,美国杜邦环保协会纽约分会公民科学处处长约翰.表示“这种情况之前发生过一次,造成这种现象是由多种原因综合作用而成。

    “It’s only happened once before. It’s a confluence of circumstances that come together to cause this,” said John Rowden, citizen science director at the Audubon Society’s New York chapter.


  • 诺维信股票减少今年早期损失,是杜邦公司美国第三化学公司声称计划丹尼·斯克一起建立一个试验工厂,用来制造第二生物燃料之后。

    Novozymes stock pared its loss earlier this year after DuPont co., the third-largest U.S. chemical company, said it planned to build a pilot plant with Danisco to make second - generation biofuel.


  • 资助国家自然科学基金事业麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院院士,美国麻省理工学院,杜邦联盟韩国研究基金会

    Funding: National Science Foundation Career Award, MIT Sloan Fellowship, the MIT-Dupont Alliance and the Korea Research Foundation.


  • Kors于1983年获得杜邦公司的“第一美国原创1995年由于杰出表现获Ells/Cadillac时尚奖。

    Kors received DuPont's "First American Original" award in 1983, and the Elle/Cadillac fashion award for excellence in 1995.


  • 是奥杜邦美国本土鸟类绘本》,华丽漂亮的双开本,几乎和小时候的一样

    It’s Audubon’s Birds of America, the deluxe, wonderful double-elephant folio that’salmost as tall as my young self.


  • 著名也最受好评协会包括美国观鸟联合会,全美杜邦协会英国皇家鸟类保护协会。

    The American birding Association, National Audubon Society and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds are some of the most familiar and most well regarded birding organizations to join.


  • 来自纽约杜邦志愿者光线发现很多种鸟类,如美国红星鸟,黄莺画眉,比氏夜巴尔的摩金莺以及各种各样的唐纳鸟。

    Volunteers from New York Audubon identified American Redstars, Yellow Warblers, Wood Thrushes, Bicknell’s Thrushes, Baltimore Orioles and various species of Tanager in the lights.


  • 来自纽约杜邦志愿者光线发现很多种鸟类,如美国红星鸟,黄莺画眉,比巴尔的摩金莺以及各种各样的唐纳鸟。

    Volunteers from New York Audubon identified American Redstars, Yellow Warblers, Wood Thrushes, Bicknell's Thrushes, Baltimore Orioles and various species of Tanager in the lights.


  • 客户包括名利场国家地理杜邦美国博物馆,美国运通美国力登弗吉尼亚旅游局

    Clients include Vanity Fair, National Geographic, Audubon, Smithsonian, American Express, Dominion and Virginia Tourism.


  • 客户包括名利场国家地理,奥杜邦美国博物馆,美国运通美国力登弗吉尼亚旅游局

    Clients include Vanity Fair National Geographic Audubon Smithsonian American Express Dominion and Virginia Tourism.


  • 本周早些时候包括美国铝业卡特彼勒公司杜邦公司10家企业联合要求国会尽快建立温室气体配额交易

    Earlier this week ten companies, including Alcoa, Caterpillar and DuPont, called for Congress to set up a cap-and-trade system for greenhouse gases as quickly as possible.


  • 事实上,对环境而言,所有肉食生产所需资源谷物豆类生产的指数倍,此问题曾月前杜邦协会(AudubonSociety美国一保护野生动物和自然资源协会,译者注)的杂志讨论过。

    But in fact, environmentally, all meat requires exponentially more resources to produce than eating grains and beans, as eloquently discussed in the Audubon Society's magazine a few months back.


  • 美国工业化学家,任职于特拉华州威尔明顿杜邦公司首次成功制备合成橡胶——氯丁橡胶,后来又研制成功了尼龙

    American industrial chemist working for the du Pont Company at Wilmington, Delaware, who invented nylon after producing the first successful synthetic rubber, neoprene.


  • 一方法自从个世纪20年代美国通用电气杜邦、通用汽车公司产生之后很快就成了大型企业标准作业程序

    After General Electric, DuPont, General Motors being elected in the U. s. a since 20 years of last century, this approach soon became the standard operating procedures for large-scale enterprises.


  • 简要介绍美国化学公司杜邦 公司 ,德国的巴斯夫 公司开发PVC清洁生产工艺技术同时也介绍了我国开展PVC清洁生产的情况

    Clean production processes developed by Dow Chemical Company, DuPont Company and BASF Company are introduced briefly. The situation of domestic clean production of PVC is also introduced.


  • 简要介绍美国化学公司杜邦 公司 ,德国的巴斯夫 公司开发PVC清洁生产工艺技术同时也介绍了我国开展PVC清洁生产的情况

    Clean production processes developed by Dow Chemical Company, DuPont Company and BASF Company are introduced briefly. The situation of domestic clean production of PVC is also introduced.


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