Instead, the researchers stored data in the longer-lived nucleus of an atom. D.r..
While previous research examined portion sizes and their effect on how much is eaten, researchers at the University of Utah in the U.S. assessed the impact of bite sizes.
While previous research examined portion sizes and their effect on how much is eaten, researchers at the University of Utah in the U. s. assessed the impact of bite sizes.
The University of Utah's Bob Smith, an expert in Yellowstone's volcanism told National Geographic: ‘It's an extraordinary uplift, because it covers such a large area and the rates are so high.
最近,日本丰田公司(Toyota)演示了一款可以由人脑控制的轮椅;美国犹他大学(University of Utah)的研究人员已经发明一种无绳脑波遥控器,可以让猴子对机器人的手臂进行操纵。
Toyota recently demoed a wheelchair controlled with brainwaves, and University of Utah researchers have created a wireless brain transmitter that allows monkeys to control robotic arms.
盐湖城犹他大学的James Ehleringer、ThureCerling及其同僚从美国65个城镇的理发店中收集毛发。
James Ehleringer and Thure Cerling, at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, and their colleagues collected human hair from barbers' shops in 65 American towns.
毕竟盐湖城的税率全美最低,并且犹他大学(University of Utah)是美国最著名的成功创业者摇篮。
The city's taxes are among the lowest in America and the University of Utah leads the nation's universities in creating successful start-ups.
犹他州立大学对干细胞喷涂方法的研究,刚开始时,就得到与去年十二月开始的Australian - basedReCell相类似的美国临床试验(clinicaltrial)中心帮助。
The University's research in spray-on stem cells comes on the coattails of a similar U.S. clinical trial of Australian-based ReCell that began last December.
Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Now, researchers in the United States think they have found a biological test for autism. A team from Harvard University in Massachusetts and the University of Utah developed it.
A city of north-central Utah south-southeast of Salt Lake City. It was settled by Mormons in1849 and is the seat of Brigham Young University(established1875). Population, 86, 835.
A city of north-central Utah south-southeast of Salt Lake City. It was settled by Mormons in1849 and is the seat of Brigham Young University(established1875). Population, 86, 835.