Besides, he has also served as the academician of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) of US.
She's a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the IEEE.
电机的绝缘系统至少应该是F级,所采用的材质和绝缘系统经过美国电气和电子工程师协会IEEE 117分类等级测试的评估和认证。
The motor insulation system shall be Class F minimum, utilizing materials and insulation systems evaluated and certified with IEEE 117 classification tests.
研究人员已将该项成果整理成论文,将发表在《IEEE智能交通系统》杂志上。(IEEE:美国电气和电子工程师协会) )
Thee researchers report their findings in a paper that will appear in the journal IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
今年初,最权威的美国电子 电气 工程师协会的总刊还专门为电子货币出了一期专辑。
The main publication of the Association of Electrical Engineers of America even devoted a special edition to electronic currency.
WiTricity 技术产品在使用过 程中产生的弱磁场不会影响此区域内其他无线设备的运作,符合美国电气及电子工程师学会 的相关标准。
The weak magnetic field these devices are going to produce are not going to affect the operation of other wireless devices, and comply with IEEE standards.
WiTricity 技术产品在使用过 程中产生的弱磁场不会影响此区域内其他无线设备的运作,符合美国电气及电子工程师学会 的相关标准。
The weak magnetic field these devices are going to produce are not going to affect the operation of other wireless devices, and comply with IEEE standards.