• 人们再三告诉他们RSS阅读器越来越少了,而用美国社交网站美国微型博客网站越来越多。

    Over and over people tell me they are using RSS readers less and less and that they are using Facebook and Twitter more and more.


  • 美国社交网站My Space调查显示,已故流行音乐巨星迈克尔·杰克逊歌曲《颤栗》评为流行音乐史具影响力的音乐电视作品。

    Michael Jackson's video for his hit single "Thriller" has been voted the most influential music video in pop music history, according to a survey by us social networking site Myspace. com.


  • 2007年5月,美国社交网站“脸谱网”发布一项称之为开放平台方案邀请第三方软件制造商来为此项服务编写程序,通过植入广告盈利

    In May 2007, Facebook unveiled an initiative called Facebook Platform, inviting third-party software makers to create programs for the service and to make money on advertising alongside them.


  • 手机拍摄阿拉伯起义美国龙卷风的画面发布社交网站上,电视新闻广播中播放。

    Mobile-phone footage of Arab uprisings and American tornadoes is posted on social networking sites and shown on television newscasts.


  • 经过大幅度削减美国劳动力规模社交网站国际工作人员削减三分之二从而适应急剧下降广告收入

    After drastically reducing the size of its American workforce, the social-networking website slashed its international staff by two-thirds as it ADAPTS to a sharp decline in advertising revenue.


  • 最终波及美国现在已经有人谈论关于挖掘社交网站

    This will eventually spill over to the US where there is already talk about mining the social media sites.


  • 美国偶像投票流程社交网站挂钩只是时间问题

    It was only a matter of time before "American Idol" voting met social networking.


  • 美国一颇具影响力老年人游说团体Facebook迄今为止受欢迎社交网站其次MySpaceLinkedInTwitter

    The powerful lobbying group for older Americans said Facebook is by far the most popular networking site, followed by MySpace, LinkedIn and Twitter.


  • 30岁以下美国人当中,36%的人是通过社交网站获取消息的。

    Thirty-six percent of Americans under 30 get their news through social networking sites.


  • 美国婚姻律师学会最新调查如今五分之一的离婚案件社交网站Facebook有关

    But now one in five divorces involve the social networking site Facebook, according to a new survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.


  • 如今七成美国人拥有一家社交网站帐户,而脸谱(Facebook)显然其中佼佼者

    Today, nearly 70 percent of Americans are on a social-networking site of one kind or another, with Facebook as the clear leader among the options.


  • 截至3月11日统计图表显示这家社交网站访问量占有美国总访问量的7.1%,相较Google的7.0%,Facebook第一次在数据上超越Google。

    Figures for the week ending March 13th showed that the social-networking site accounted for 7.1% of the country's traffic, compared with Google's 7.0%, the first time it has had a weekly lead.


  • 一项新的调查研究发现美国青少年使用社交网站指导性电视剧的比那些很少使用这些传媒的使用药物酗酒可能性大。

    US. teens who use social networking sites and watch "suggestive" TV shows are more likely to use drugs and alcohol than teens with little exposure to such media, a new survey found.


  • 一项最新调查显示美国一半雇主会上FacebookMySpaceLinkedIn这样社交网站搜索应聘者在线资料

    Nearly half of US employers research the online profiles of job candidates on social networks such as Facebook, MySpace or LinkedIn, according to a new survey.


  • 忙碌美国正在越来越多地朋友社交网站那里获取新闻

    Busy Americans are increasingly getting their news from friends or social networking websites.


  • 美国广播公司报道,由于社交网站脸谱”上对别人使用人”功能,美国田纳西州一名妇女日前被警方逮捕

    Tennessee woman has been arrested for "poking" another user on the social website Facebook after she had been ordered not to communicate with that user, ABC News reported.


  • 调查指出60%美国人(不是网民而是所有美国人的60%)社交网站活跃用户

    The survey states that almost 60% of the US population, not 60% of Internet Users but the entire population, are active on social networking sites.


  • 美国有1.1亿使用社交网络(网络人口60%),平均来看,他们登录这些网站次数很多

    Out of the 110 million Americans (or 60% of the online population) who use social networks, the average social networking user logs on to these sites quite a bit.


  • 上周,在社交地图网站Loopt上下载iPhone应用程序手机用户留意美国航空的一项优惠产品。这是航空公司针对飞往墨西哥航线上的服务举行的促销活动

    Last week, some mobile users who downloaded an iPhone app from the social-mapping network Loopt found out about a special offer from Virgin America promoting its new service to Mexico.


  • 最近,一项受BlogHer、iVillageCompass委托的针对美国女性上网习惯调查显示,女性用户社会媒体网站社交网站最为活跃

    Recently, research in the US commissioned by the BlogHer network, iVillage and Compass, into women on the web showed that women are the most active users of social media and networking sites.


  • 可以LinkedIn(美国一家社交网站)、Facebook公司网站或是任何面试官照片可能出现的地方查找

    This could be from LinkedIn, Facebook, the company website, or anywhere else your interviewer's face might appear online.


  • 2009年10月美国社交网站上的时间少于6小时几乎是2007年同一时期的

    Last October Americans spent just under six hours surfing social networks, almost three times as much as in the same month in 2007.


  • 就连美国零售业巨头沃尔玛启用一个名为 The Hub 的社交服务网站。 此举被传为笑柄原因网站用户喜爱那些独特而活泼内容予以禁止。

    Even Wal-Mart, an American retailing giant, has started a social-networking site, called The Hub — to widespread derision, because it forbids the racy content that users enjoy.


  • 雅虎360雅虎公司的社交网络网站的经营不像前面几个网站那么景气,所以雅虎正在进行收购Facebook的谈判,后者正是美国许多大学生使用的社交网络网站

    Yahoo! Has fared less well with its social-networking site, Yahoo! 360, and is now negotiating to buy Facebook, a networking site used by many American college students.


  • 这个专业人士社交网站告诉美国从业人数增长最快一种职业兼职教授

    The social-media website for professionals can tell you that one of the fastest-growing job titles in America is adjunct professor.


  • 短片每集35分钟美国在线首播然后通过社交网站互联网广泛传播。

    Episodes lasting three to five minutes will initially appear on AOL, before being distributed more broadly across the web via social networking sites.


  • 大热门搜索包括英国Badoo社交网站Hi5西班牙社交网站以及美国Facebook网站

    A Top Ten list compiled by the world's most-used search engine includes British website Badoo, Spanish-language Hi5, and US-based Facebook.


  • 一家互联网调查公司eMarketery估测,仅2007年,美国广告公司社交网站上花了9亿美元的广告费,而2010年,社交网站的广告收入超过20亿美元。

    Web research firm eMarketer estimates U.S. advertisers will spend $900 million on social network advertising in 2007 and more than $2 billion in 2010.


  • 一家互联网调查公司eMarketery估测,仅2007年,美国广告公司社交网站上花了9亿美元的广告费,而2010年,社交网站的广告收入超过20亿美元。

    Web research firm eMarketer estimates U.S. advertisers will spend $900 million on social network advertising in 2007 and more than $2 billion in 2010.


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