• 瑞典汽车制造商周日宣布中国汽车制造商浙江吉利汽车公司美国福特汽车公司手里收购沃尔沃

    Chinese carmaker Zhejiang Geely Holding Group has purchased Volvo cars from U. S. auto giant Ford, the Swedish carmaker announced Sunday.


  • 例如福特汽车公司最近宣布部分生产业务带回美国时,白宫欢呼雀跃。

    When the Ford Motor Company, for example, recently announced that it was bringing some production home, the White House cheered.


  • 丰田本田以及福特汽车公司都是美国顶尖汽车公司

    Toyota, Honda and Ford are among the list of the US top car companies.


  • 美国福特汽车公司没有参加本次展览通用汽车只是占据了展会的小小一角

    Ford Motor Co. of the U.S. skipped the show, and General Motors Co. had only a tiny corner booth.


  • 现在美国汽车公司福特克莱斯勒通用汽车都已经大部分制造工厂转移到海外

    Today, all the big three US car companies, Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors, have moved substantial parts of their production abroad.


  • 丰田通过在美国销售追赶第二汽车制造商福特汽车公司

    Toyota also is looking to overtake Ford Motor Co. as the No. 2 automaker by U.S. sales.


  • 福特汽车公司决定选择LG化工公司CompactPower公司(CPI)即将美国2011年销售福克斯电动车制造锂离子电池组

    Ford Motor Company has selected Compact Power Incorporated (CPI), a subsidiary of LG Chem, to build lithium-ion battery packs for the Ford Focus Electric, which will go on sale in the us in 2011.


  • 公司CEOAlanMulally关闭美国福特旗下水星汽车公司(Mercury),转让了沃尔沃品牌,剥离了马自达的股权,因此销售大幅度上升了17%。

    In the U.S., CEO Alan Mulally shuttered Ford's Mercury division, completed the sale of Volvo, divested its Mazda shares, and saw sales jump 17%.


  • 丰田喜一开始研制汽车时,美国通用汽车公司福特汽车公司早已成为举世闻名的企业

    When Kiichiro Toyoda started to develop the car, the United States, General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Company has become the world-famous for big businesses.


  • 丰田喜一开始研制汽车时,美国通用汽车公司福特汽车公司早已成为举世闻名企业

    When Toyota Kiichiro start to study and make cars, GM and FORD auto companies have become well-known large enterprise all over the world.


  • 发言人强调说上述谈判本田广泛寻求外国可能性合作伙伴行动一部分,这些合作伙伴包括美国福特公司通用汽车公司

    The talks were part of broad efforts by Toyota to explore collaboration with foreign players, including leading US auto makers Ford and General Motors, stressed the spokesman.


  • 丰田开始研制汽车时,美国通用汽车公司福特汽车公司早已成为举世闻名的企业

    When Toyota pleased Lang start develop a car, G. M. company and Ford car company of the United States early has become the big business enterprise of world famous.


  • 日本丰田汽车公司美国福特公司决定密西西比河上进行场独木舟比赛

    Japanese company (Toyota) and an American company (Ford Motors) decided to have a canoe race on the Mississippi River.


  • 美国三大汽车公司的惨淡业绩日本汽车公司的优良业绩成了鲜明对比丰田已经超过了福特

    But the weak U. S. carmaker performance contrasted with strong Japanese sales, resulting in Toyota selling more vehicles than Ford.


  • 日本丰田汽车公司美国福特公司决定密西西比河上进行场独木舟比赛

    A Japanese company (Toyota) and an American company (Ford Motors) decided to have a canoe race on the Mississippi River.


  • 最近部分美国经销商致信福特汽车公司建议不要将捷豹出售印度买家因为归属于印度损害这个品牌形象

    A group of Jaguar dealers in the U. S. recently sent a letter to Ford suggesting it not sell Jaguar to an Indian buyer, as Indian ownership could hurt the perception of the brand.


  • 不过,随着美国汽车在2008逐渐陷入绝望尽管福特汽车的状况要好于美国其他汽车公司,但也开始重新评估选择方案。

    But the U. S. auto industry sank deeper into despair as the year wore on, and Ford, while healthier than its American rivals, reuated its options.


  • 成为艾伦·拉利的继任者,出任福特汽车公司(Ford)的首席执行官本周美国权威汽车周报《汽车新闻》(Automotive News)头版刊发了一报道,之后,这场竞猜游戏进入最后关头。

    The guessing game about who will succeed Alan Mulally as Ford CEO moved into the late innings this week with a front-page article in Automotive News.


  • 欧盟世界其它地区都保持贸易顺差主要是因为限制了日本进口,也因为福特公司通用汽车公司欧洲生产汽车不是由欧洲向美国进口汽车

    The EC runs a trade surplus with the rest of the world largely because it restricts Japanese imports and because Ford and GM build cars in Europe rather than import from the U. S.


  • 1903年6月16日,亨利·福特美国密歇根底特律成立福特汽车公司

    1903: The Ford Motor Company was founded by Henry Ford in Detroit, Michigan, and incorporated on June 16.


  • 最近汽油价格猛涨,以生产的省油汽车著称丰田汽车公司7月份销售量出现两位数的增长美国本土的销量首次超过福特汽车公司

    Amid steep gas prices, Toyota Motor Corp. rode its reputation for fuel-efficient cars to a double-digit sales increase in July and outsold Ford in the U. S. for the first month ever.


  • 最近汽油价格猛涨,以生产的省油汽车著称丰田汽车公司7月份销售量出现两位数的增长美国本土的销量首次超过福特汽车公司

    Amid steep gas prices, Toyota Motor Corp. rode its reputation for fuel-efficient cars to a double-digit sales increase in July and outsold Ford in the U. S. for the first month ever.


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