The ZIP code of Naples, Cumberland, Maine, United States is 04055.
In Canada and the American state of Maine, McDonald's serves the McLobster — a soft roll with lobster meat and salad.
Skiers and snowboarders dressed as Santa Claus head down the slope at Sunday River, Maine.
The foliage was starting to turn near Presque Isle, Maine on Friday, September 25, 2009.
A curious shark in the Gulf of Maine. The small pores on his snout enable to sense electromagnetic fields produced by other animals.
美国缅因州东南部一小镇,在蒙特沙漠岛上。是一避暑胜地。人口2,' 85。
A town of southeast Maine on Mount Desert Island. It is a summer resort. Population, 2, '85.
The basement of Ron Hood's home in Lewiston, Maine has been fitted to display his collection of PEZ dispensers and merchandise.
A deep inlet of the Atlantic Ocean in southwest Maine. The bay, with its wooded, hilly islands, is a popular vacation area.
I woke up on Thursday with a message telling me that one of our most committed tribe members had been killed by a drunk driver on Thanksgiving morning in Maine, in the USA.
A Native American people inhabiting the St. John River valley in New Brunswick and northeast Maine. The Malecite helped form the Abenaki confederacy in the mid-18th century.
Consider, for example, how Stacey Hilton moved from a job as a TV news reporter and anchor in Augusta, Ga. , to a new career in public relations in Raleigh, N.
Another problem between the United States and Canada at that time concerned the border along with the state of Maine.
Another problem between the United States and Canada at that time concerned the border along the state of Maine.
The United States refused, because the state of Maine would not accept it.
Eeling in the U.S. is heavily regulated; Maine is one of the few states allowing the export of glass eels.
It is predicted to travel up the east coast, spewing rain over parts of Virginia and Washington DC, New Jersey and New York City before reaching Maine on Monday afternoon.
Between 2000 and 2009 Maine surpassed Florida as having the highest concentration of those 50 and older, according to the Census Bureau's American Community Survey.
He plans to start up a farm near his house in Maine, in case the supply chain that provides America with food breaks down for lack of fuel.
Seven of its top 15 U.S. cities were in Texas, while cold weather cities generally ranked low in that survey, with Portland, Maine last at No. 100.
Psychologist Liz Dunn spoke with us from the PopTech conference in Camden, Maine, about the link between greed and long-term health. Christie Nicholson reports.
In November 2004 two brothers, Doug Watts, a freelance journalist who lives in Augusta, Maine, and Tim Watts, a janitor at a college in Easton, Massachusetts, petitioned the U. s.
In November 2004 two brothers, Doug Watts, a freelance journalist who lives in Augusta, Maine, and Tim Watts, a janitor at a college in Easton, Massachusetts, petitioned the U. s.