• 美国国家航空航天局今天佛罗里达州宣布已经取消了下一次航天飞机任务

    NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Agency, today announced in Florida that the next space shuttle mission has been canceled.


  • 佛罗里达州美国海岸警卫队官员移民试图乘坐不同寻常——一辆漂浮的卡车——前往美国他们已经被遣返古巴

    American Coast Guard officials in Florida say they have returned to Cuba a group of would-be migrants who tried to make their way to the United States in an unusual vessel—a floating truck.


  • 美国佛罗里达州1994年以来首次举行了活动。

    Florida, US, has held its first bear hunt since 1994.


  • 刚才已经说到,我名字是赵硕来自美国佛罗里达州,到中国大概2年了

    J.M .: I'm from the state of Florida in America. I've been in China for about 2 years.


  • 海豚鲨鱼出现美国佛罗里达州海域的浅水区

    Dolphins and sharks are showing up in surprisingly shallow water just off the Florida coast.


  • 近日美国佛罗里达州丛林动物公园工作人员为观众上演了"人共舞"的惊险场面(见)。

    US zoo worker Sean Manning recently performed a highly dangerous stunt with an alligator at Florida's Jungle Island Zoo (see photo).


  • 名61美国有望成为在没有保护的情况下游过古巴美国佛罗里达州第一人。

    A 61-year-old American is hoping to become the first person to swim from the island of Cuba to Florida in the United States without a shark cage to protect her.


  • 生长环境确实很大影响,生长美国佛罗里达州没有生长在加州的血橙的那种红色

    Growing conditions certainly have a large impact on the blood oranges cultivated in the U.S. bloods grown in Florida don't have nearly the deep red color as the bloods grown in California.


  • 这项美国佛罗里达州大学展开研究涉及了160名女性研究对象,她们要求每天2.7盎司(75)的苹果李子干,吃的时间点随自己的便。

    The study, conducted by researchers atFlorida State University, involved 160 women who were randomly assigned to eatabout 2.7 ounces (75 g) of dried apples or prunes (dried plums) daily.


  • 孙然21岁首都师范大学大四学生。年前暑假,她美国佛罗里达州奥兰多环球影城的侏罗纪公园实习,每小时7美元

    SunRan, 21, a senior at Capital Normal University, had a summer job paying seven dollars an hour at Jurassic Park, Universal Studio, Orlando, Florida, US, two years ago.


  • 让我们假设Jane姐姐将于63日,美国佛罗里达州奥兰多结婚我们圣地亚哥

    Let's pretend that our sister Jane is getting married on June 3 in Orlando, Florida, USA, and we live in San Diego.


  • 上图美国佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角 2007 年发射第二Delta 4 型重型运载火箭,也是第一夜间发射。

    Pictured above is the second launch of the Delta IV Heavy from Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA in 2007, and the first night launch.


  • 当地媒体报道,美国佛罗里达州日前举办饮用水大赛,请来专业品尝师鉴定各个城市送来水样。

    A drinking water contest was held in the US state of Florida, with professional taste testers sampling water from several cities in search of the best tasting H2O, local media reported.


  • 据英国广播公司报道美国佛罗里达州小熊脑袋塑料罐中十余日后,终于获救

    A bear cub in Florida, which had a plastic jar stuck on its head for at least 10 days, has now been freed, BBC reported.


  • 美国佛罗里达州名男子早上起来上厕所被吓了一跳,因为看见马桶里有一条2米长的蟒蛇把头便池里伸出来。

    A Florida man got a rude awakening when he reportedly found a six-foot (two-meter) python in his potty, rearing its diamond-shaped head out of the toilet bowl.


  • 《电子世界争霸战2》里面的夜光摩托显然“逃脱”电网,来到现实世界,只是因为美国佛罗里达州一家公司制造了夜光摩托。

    New Tron Legacy's light cycle has apparently escaped the grid to get into the real world, which has been produced by a Florida-based company.


  • 美国佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔:卡森·斯普林斯野生动物基金会野生动物保护区会长克莉丝汀·简克丝,近日探望了一只名为格蕾丝长颈鹿现在已经了。

    Gainesville, Florida: Christine Janks, President of the Carson Springs Wildlife Foundation and Sanctuary, visits her giraffe, Grace, who is three and a half years old.


  • 著名的梦工厂美国佛罗里达州奥兰多UniversalStudio主题乐园的“黑衣人”骑马旅行例,乘客可以这个游戏过程中体验射击电动外星人的经验,这种类型的主题也就是主题乐园产业中俗称渗入式”经历的一个好的典型

    The “Men in Blackride at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, in which passengers shoot at animatronic aliens, is a good example of what industry types like to call animmersiveexperience.


  • 环球影城度假村公司通用电器公司(General Electric Co .)旗下NBC环球公司(NBCUniversal)一个业务部门美国佛罗里达州加利福尼亚州运营主题公园。该公司位于新加坡的主题公园正在兴建中。

    Universal, a unit of General Electric Co. 's NBC Universal, operates theme parks in Florida and California and is building a park in Singapore.


  • 据了解,艾米“里初次见面追溯到2008年,当时摄影师父亲要到美国佛罗里达州的“濒危稀有动物保护组织”给那里的动物拍照片,带上了女儿同去

    Rishi's first day of play with Emily came in 2008 when her father Barry, a photographer, had an assignment at the Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species (TIGERS) and took her along.


  • 目前,尽管绿公司坚称自己收费透明的,但美国佛罗里达州首席检察官正在对此类公司展开调查。

    Now Florida's attorney general is investigating prepaid firms to see whether they fully disclose their charges. Green Dot insists it does.


  • 美国方面另外一些担忧便是环境问题。因为古巴段这个海湾距离美国佛罗里达州海岸线仅80公里(50英里)。

    Another set of concerns involves the environment, since Cuba's Gulf zone lies within 80km (50 miles) of Florida's coastline.


  • 公园地点美国佛罗里达州

    Location of the park is USA, Florida.


  • 美国佛罗里达州短短的空中之行,二地平均寿命差距超过了19

    A short air trip between Florida in the USA and Haiti represents a life expectancy gap of over 19 years.


  • 同时发出传票,美国佛罗里达州

    Also issuing subpoenas is the state of Florida.


  • 卫星携带德尔塔iv火箭发射定于星期五最后一分钟时,由于天气卡纳维拉尔角空军基地条件美国佛罗里达州擦洗

    The launch of the Delta IV rocket carrying the satellite had been scheduled for Friday, but was scrubbed at the last minute due to weather conditions at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.


  • 这座小屋原来是研究实验室目前是世界惟一一个水下酒店位于美国佛罗里达州翡翠湖底。 想要进入这座水下酒店的唯一路线潜到水下6

    Originally a research laboratory, the world’s only underwater hotel sits at the bottom of the Emerald Lagoon in Florida, and can only be reached by scuba diving down six meters.


  • 这座小屋原来是研究实验室目前是世界惟一一个水下酒店位于美国佛罗里达州翡翠湖底。 想要进入这座水下酒店的唯一路线潜到水下6

    Originally a research laboratory, the world’s only underwater hotel sits at the bottom of the Emerald Lagoon in Florida, and can only be reached by scuba diving down six meters.


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