• 美的喜爱品味,对美的创造艺术

    Love of beauty is Taste. The creation of beauty is Art.


  • 形式创造遵循变化统一化繁为简基本法则

    The creation of formal beauty should follow the basic law of variety, unity and simplification.


  • 本文旨在探讨唐诗音乐美的创造中所采取句法修辞策略

    The present paper is intended to explore the syntactic rhetoric strategies used in the creation of the musical beauty of the Tang poetry.


  • 演讲语言艺术,演讲语言运用过程一种美的创造过程。

    Speech is the art of a language, and the process of applying the language of speech is a process of creating beauty.


  • 教育美学视野里,教育自身美的创造表现无处不在的。

    From the perspective of educational aesthetics, the creation and representation of educational beauty is everywhere.


  • 异化劳动这种肯定否定本质劳动美的创造密切关系

    The alienation labor, which both affirms and denies the labor of humans essence work, has a close relationship with the creation of beauty.


  • 江南坊木架布艺沙发风格定位追求精益求精苛求创造工艺

    The style Orientation of South Yangtze's Wood workshop, Bedstead and cloth handicraft sofa is pursuit of excellence and demanding perfection for created handcrafts.


  • 舞蹈艺术来说,意境美的创造审美追求一种境界,是舞蹈的灵魂

    For dancing art, the creation of beauty of artistic conception is the aesthetic goal and the soul of dancing.


  • 美的创造实施美育前提,还要通过建设保存研究三个层次实施美育。

    The creation of beauty is the prerequisite of implementing aesthetic education from three levels, construction, preservation and research.


  • 广告功利目的使广告创作非常注重意象意境美的创造并使之形成自身特征。

    The utilitarianism of advertising makes it a focused task to create the beauty of images and artistic conceptions in advertisements and at the same time makes the characteristics of this beauty.


  • 关于体育美的批评创造研究存在不足,忽略体育美的创造、批评和欣赏之间的密切关系

    The research about the sports esthetics appreciation, esthetics criticism, esthetics creation, also to insufficient, has neglected the close relation among them.


  • 作为基本教学环节教师课堂教学操作就可以处处体现出美的创造,使自身臻于艺术境界

    As the most fundamental teaching link, teacher's classroom teaching should present the creation of beauty, reaching the best artistic realm.


  • 学校形象外在物质景观内在精神景观组成,学校形象审美创造包括外在和内在美的创造

    School image consists of the external material appearance and internal spiritual dimensions. Accordingly, the aesthetic creation of the school image comprises both external and internal beauty.


  • 本文通过对诗人醉酒现象分析认为诗人醉酒有助于诗歌作品模糊美的创造具有模糊美品质诗歌总是张力十足、引力无限的。

    This paper analyzes this phenomenon and finds that intoxication contributes to the creation of fuzzy beauty and the infinite interest of the poetry.


  • 尽量运用拥有少量资源结合个人天马行空无边无际创意动力创造一些功能强的设计

    Try to use the few resources you have to combine your boundless creativity and motivation to create some beautiful and powerful designs.


  • 他们满足人们自由表达创造生活美的本能渴望。

    They meet the natural desire for freedom, for expression, for creativity and beauty of life.


  • 沉没飞机不仅人工珊瑚礁生长创造美的骨架当局希望一新的水下景点吸引游客地区

    Not only will the sunken plane create the perfect skeleton for artificial reef growth, but authorities hope this new underwater attraction will bring tourists to the area.


  • 尽管已经进行了大量研究工作,科学创造人类甚至是完美的番茄——这一美丽的新世界愿景还有长的路要走。

    For all the fevered work being done, however, science is still far away from the Brave New World vision of engineering a perfect humanor even a perfect tomato.


  • 然而尽管已经进行了大量研究工作,但科学创造人类——甚至美的番茄——这美丽的新世界愿景还有长的路要走。

    For all the fevered work being done, however, science is still far away from the Brave New World vision of engineering a perfect humanor even a perfect tomato.


  • 尽量运用拥有少量资源结合你个人天马行空无边无际创意动力,去创造一些功能强的设计,创造一些网络优秀站点

    Do your best to create some of the best sites on the web with the small amount of resources you possess in conjunction with a mass amount of personal drive to create beautifully functional designs.


  • 一方面,一个完美的群体智慧系统可以创造好的排名榜

    On the one hand, a well-tuned WOC system can create an excellent leaderboard.


  • 可以奋斗一生试图创造人生之事实总是怀疑是否原本更好的路可以走。

    You can struggle through life in an attempt to create the perfect path, but the truth is you will always wonder if it could have been better.


  • 意识里,头脑里创造出来东西美的

    In your mind, the thing you're thinking of creating is perfect.


  • 细想独自表演创造一个美的节日庆典在成名生涯的阶梯上前进一步期望

    Consider the expectations you put on yourself to create a perfect holiday celebration or advance up the career ladder.


  • 断言自我时候,你就创造自己天堂的看法,因为天堂中每件事情都生活知识中你是充满力量的有能力显化你每个梦想

    You create your version of Heaven when you affirm your perfection, for everything in Heaven is perfect, and live with the knowledge that you are powerful and capable of manifesting every dream.


  • 断言自我时候,你就创造自己天堂的看法,因为天堂中每件事情都生活知识中你是充满力量的有能力显化你每个梦想

    You create your version of Heaven when you affirm your perfection, for everything in Heaven is perfect, and live with the knowledge that you are powerful and capable of manifesting every dream.


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