In the past month I have also learned how to administer Botox there, to treat excessive sweating.
But is there enough evidence to support treating chronic migraine sufferers with regular shots of the toxin around the head and neck?
I mix the Botox with saline, drawing it up into two syringes, each tipped with a tiny, yellow needle, then inject it at multiple points across the armpit.
I stopped taking the shots the day I found out I was pregnant, two years later.
The product will be injected into the individuals' neck or head every 12 weeks by a medical professional in order to eliminate future head pain.
The US Food and Drug Administration has approved Allergan Inc's anti-wrinkle injection Botox for the treatment of chronic migraines, foreign media reported.
Long before the drug became a cosmetic sensation, doctors were injecting migraine sufferers with it to ease their symptoms.
What's more, it's impossible to hide the fact that people are receiving Botox, he adds – and that would invalidate the double-blind nature of the experiment.
每组试验中,慢性偏头痛患者以十二周为一疗程,分别注射了肉毒杆菌素或安慰药物。 每组都接受了五个疗程。
In both, people with chronic migraine received a series of five 12-weekly rounds of injections of either Botox or a placebo.
She's seen cases where Botox injections, which paralyze certain facial muscles, caused the other active muscles to appear strangely overpowering and "odd."
To treat chronic migraines, Botox is given approximately every 12 weeks as multiple injections around the head and neck to try to dull future headache symptoms.
In Brazil free Botox injections for people earning less than 250 dollars a month.
In Brazil free Botox injections for people earning less than 250 dollars a month.