The Cobbe portrait, as the scholars now call it, shows a head-turner of a man.
His earliest existing commissioned portraits (Portrait of a Scholar, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg;
The Shakespeare scholar, Professor Stanley Wells, has come forward to claim that the inconspicuous work from Donabate is the only surviving portrait of William Shakespeare, painted from life.
Previously, scholars have argued the merits of at least four other portraits, one of them the so-called Folger portrait displayed in the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington.
Scholars consider that portrait a milestone in the history of European portraiture.
学者们不同意波斯法拉瓦哈的象征意义。它是代表琐罗亚斯德教的唯一神,阿胡玛兹达, 「英明的主」的一个象征肖像吗?
Scholars disagree about just what the symbolism of the persian faravahar indicates. is it a symbolic image of ahura mazda, the zoroastrian name for the one god, the " wise lord ?"
学者们不同意波斯法拉瓦哈的象征意义。它是代表琐罗亚斯德教的唯一神,阿胡玛兹达, 「英明的主」的一个象征肖像吗?
Scholars disagree about just what the symbolism of the persian faravahar indicates. is it a symbolic image of ahura mazda, the zoroastrian name for the one god, the " wise lord ?"