Pulse Width Modulation device chip is designed by the reverse design method.
This paper presents a digital pulse width modulator based on MCS-51 Microcomputer.
由PW M脉宽调制器驱动功率驱动电路,输出电流信号驱动比例电磁铁。
This output transferred thorough PWM driver circuit and changed into current signal to the proportional magnetic valve.
This paper introduces the functions and performances of a PWM component and presents a radar transmitter high voltage power supply using this PWM component.
Pulse width Modulation device is a circuit which can produce square wave signal with fixed period and adjustable pulse duration ratio (pulse width).
The component count method is used to demonstrate the particular course of predicting the reliability of Pulse-Width Modul.
The chip is an integrated circuit chip which is researched by Northeastern Microelectronics research Institute (47 Institute). This article is completed in the Institute.
In this paper, the operation principles of the total system and power-amplifier circuit, design method of digital PWM hardware circuit and software are described, and.
The pulse width modulator SG3525 has been used in various areas for its functions such as locking for the lack of pressure, closing system fault, soft starting, delaying PWM drive and so on.
文中指出,在晶体管化的脉宽调制器中,在效率和失真两个方面。PANTEL原理电路优于基本PD M电路。
So far as efficiency and distortion are concerned, the transistorized pulse-duration modulator by PANTEL method is proved to be superior to that by the basic PDM circuit.
文中指出,在晶体管化的脉宽调制器中,在效率和失真两个方面。PANTEL原理电路优于基本PD M电路。
So far as efficiency and distortion are concerned, the transistorized pulse-duration modulator by PANTEL method is proved to be superior to that by the basic PDM circuit.