The results can provide references for management and prevention of drip irrigation water and salt under mulch in arid regions.
Mulch trickle irrigation results not only in the diminution of soil water evaporation, but also in the prevention of water percolating into deep soil.
This paper reviewed the key diagnostic index and optimized regulating route of high yield population quality about mulch drip irrigation cotton.
The influence of drip irrigation under film with saline water on growth and yield of cotton was studied through field experiment.
Drip irrigation under film technology is a comprehensive measure of agricultural saving water.
With the increase in the drip irrigation application years under-mulch drip irrigation, the soil salinization and its influence on the crops call people's attention.
The results from the demonstration fields show that drip irrigation under mulch is the best way for saving water, spraying irrigation the second, then piping irrigation.
There are distinct differences between yield, total water consumption and water use efficiency in different soil types.
A pot experiment was conducted to study the water-consuming patterns of greenhouse pepper in dripping irrigation underneath mulching film, drip irrigation without mulching film and flood irrigation.
The error between field test and forecast is satisfied. So this model can provide a practical and convenient way for forecasting irrigation quantity and date.
The paper analyzed the characteristics of the soil water movement of drip irrigation under mulch in different cropping patterns.
Based upon field experiments, the under mulch drip irrigation regime for cotton as well as the factors referring to this regime were researched.
The results showed: compared with traditional irrigation, drip irrigation under plastic mulch could reduce the height of cotton, lessen the number of cast bolls and centralize the root system.
It is very important that regulating techniques of water fertilizer and chemistry hormone have already been used to mulch drip irrigation cotton.
A field study was conducted to determine the relationships between Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI), yield, and quality of cotton under drip irrigation with mulch.
Cotton canopy structure and yield was determined and analyzed in different water and fertilizer conditions under mulch drip irrigation (MDI) with Xinluzao no. 7 as the test material.
It is of great importance to study the growth and nitrogen(N) uptaking by cotton for optimizing soil salinity, irrigation and fertilization strategies with drip irrigation under film.
The automatic control system of mulch trickle irrigation is designed based on CAN Bus for adapting the requirement of the control of mulch trickle irrigation for cotton in Xinjiang Bingtuan.
Subsurface drip irrigation water-salt transport influent cotton biology character and yield, whether biology yield or economy yield is higher than drip under film.
On the basis of experiments, this paper puts forward to a list of concrete technical measures and makes economic effects analysis.
To attain such a goal, this paper concludes: Comparing the difference between those who adopt drop irrigation technology of water saving under mulching film and those who do not adopt;
本文开拓了膜下滴灌条件下棉花水分响应模型建模理论的新思路。 (2)建立了两种三层结构的BP人工神经网络模型预报土壤墒情。
Two types of model with three layers structure based on BP artificial neural network to forecast soil moisture have been set up.
Compared with drip irrigation under mulch film, infiltration irrigation can increase the yield of cucumber.
The soil temperature in different time performance different, but all are lower than that of drip irrigation under mulch film.
The soil temperature in different time performance different, but all are lower than that of drip irrigation under mulch film.