这种方法被称为X射线断层扫描相位显微镜法(tomographic phase microscopy),并发表于本周的《自然·方法学》(NatureMethods)上。
Their method is called tomographic phase microscopy, and it is reported in this week's Nature Methods.
In the history of modern western legal thought, natural law and legal positivism are the great two schools.
Nowadays, natural law school is still one of the most important branches and value method is very significant in western countries.
We offer active, hands-on learning experience. It is easy to learn another language using modern, naturalistic teaching methods to ensure effective language speaking, reading and writing skills.
The natural law is based on a rational recognition method of dualism, and it assumes a pre-moral rule as the foundation of law apart from the actual law.
光遗传学被《自然- 方法学》期刊评为2010 年年度方法。
Optogenetics was selected by the journal of Nature Methods as method of the year 2010.
光遗传学被《自然- 方法学》期刊评为2010 年年度方法。
Optogenetics was selected by the journal of Nature Methods as method of the year 2010.