• 关于年龄-虽然少爷-东西困扰不小的程度

    Even about his agealthough I call him a young gentleman — there was something which perplexed me in no little degree.


  • 世卫组织网站左边导航出版物”的链接可引导关于世卫组织出版物的信息

    The navigation bar on the left-hand side of the WHO web site has aPublicationslink that leads to information about WHO publications.


  • 关于罗温受伤那段糟糕记忆也使想起听到哭喊声时有多惊恐

    Even the bad memory of Rowan's injury reminded me of how frightened I was at the sound of her cry.


  • 为了安全建议我们移除她身上的所有魔法关于魔法的记忆……但是不用担心我会留下欢乐

    I recommend we remove all magic, even memories of magic to be safe... But don't worry, I'll leave the fun.


  • 实际上NodeList每个成员一个domNode (or g . w3c . dom .Node),并且可以找到每个节点名称类型,甚关于节点的任何内容。

    Each member of a NodeList is in fact a dom node (org.w3c.dom.Node), and you can then find out the name of the node, its type, and pretty much anything else about that node you want.


  • 我国文学理论研究习惯于模糊性地运用概念、术语,关于文艺学、艺术学文学理论学科基本概念,都很少清晰论述,在使用中往往都并用或相互替代,并清醒概念意识。

    But the concept, such as the science of literature, the science of art and the literary theory, is being vaguely used, and even is replaced by each other. There is no clear consciousness of concept.


  • 重要的是,父母们子女提供关于毒品明确一致的观点

    It is vital that parents give children clear and consistent messages about drugs.


  • 不仅仅关于技术问题,对于其他因素来说服务提供商态度关重要所以非常荣幸能够参与到这次会议

    And while it's not about tech per se, service provider attitudes are the foundation that everything else rests on, so I'm honored to be part of this event.


  • 关于能够多少,而不是你必须做的或是重要的一些事情。

    It's about how much you can do, not necessarily what you're doing, or whether it really matters.


  • 关于病例完整信息包括可能时间地点方面密切相关的信息,正在进行评估H5N1病毒造成流行危险重要。

    Full information on new cases, including those that may be closely related in time and place, is critical to ongoing assessment of the pandemic risk posed by the H5N1 virus.


  • 子系统之间接口关于它们集成成为更大整体(即,系统)关重要的。

    The interfaces between subsystems are vital to their proper integration into the larger whole that is the system.


  • 学习更多关于这种动物-海洋动力学的知识未来重要。

    Learning more about this animal-ocean dynamic is critical to the future.


  • 这么非常关键的时期我们很难想象出一个还有关于这个重要话题重要的会议

    It's hard to imagine a more important conference on a more vital topic at a more crucial time.


  • 关于萨科齐,民望低落似乎可以放手一些虽不受喜欢关重要譬如提高退休年龄

    As for Mr Sarkozy, it seems that a lack of popularity may have freed him to do some unpopular but important things, such as raising the retirement age.


  • 撞车造成的健忘症抹掉了关于阿尔玛桥隧道里撞车紧要三四分钟以及事后情况的记忆.那时他正命于生死之间

    Postcrash amnesia has robbed him of the vital three or four minutes that preceded the crash in the Pont d'Alma tunnel and its aftermath, when he lay suspended between life and death.


  • 生命概念在加关于男女解剖结构上差异认识中处于关重要地位。

    The notion of "vital heat" is fundamental to Galen’s understanding of the anatomical differences between female and male.


  • 如果兴趣网页布局中使用掌控颜色关于颜色和颜色方案内幕理论是是关重要的了。

    If you're interested in adding and enhancing your use of color in your layouts, a concrete knowledge of the theory behind colors and color schemes is essential.


  • 关于生物燃料的资源生产知识也是如此包括什么是合适原料——所有这些知识对于形成一个可行政策关重要

    So is knowledge of biofuel resources and production, including the most appropriate feedstocks - all of which are critical in formulating a viable policy.


  • 说白了————关于削减预算选举中使用计算机要面临难题- - -都重要

    Getting the word out - about the perils of slashing budgets and the difficult issues facing the use of computers in elections - is vitally important.


  • 自己关于业绩态度关重要的。

    Your own attitude about performance is crucial.


  • 一点关重要,而且以后还再次提到现在关于理论本质谈到这里。

    It's crucial, as I say, and I'm going to be coming back to it, but it's just a point I want to make in passing about the nature of theory now.


  • 关于这些问题(无数其他问题,这取决于具体情况)的答案,一个成功应用程序来说重要的,并且通常称其应用程序架构上质量

    The answers to these questions (and myriad others, depending on context) are critical to a successful application and are usually referred to as the architectural qualities of the application.


  • 这个抓取过程扫描过程中重要一步,因此确定web漏洞扫描器能够抓取关于站点所有对象输入点

    The crawling process is the most crucial part of the scan, so you should always make sure that the web vulnerability scanner is able to crawl all of the website’s objects and inputs.


  • 想要商业环境取得成功关于人际沟通知识能力以及掌握都是关重要的。

    The knowledge, competence and mastery of human communication are essential for success in every business setting.


  • 我们讨论关于本源的爱关于严谨公正创造理则,以及核心完整这些关重要的。

    We are talking about a loving Source, about Laws of Creation which are scrupulously fair and just, and where core integrity is of the essence.


  • 我们讨论关于本源的爱关于严谨公正创造理则,以及核心完整这些关重要的。

    We are talking about a loving Source, about Laws of Creation which are scrupulously fair and just, and where core integrity is of the essence.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定