• 他们很快发现少量牛奶混合得非常使这种饮料呈现出一种特殊的英国色彩

    They soon discovered that it mixed really well with a little milk and sugar, giving the drink a special British colour.


  • 我们他们开始就起步,认识色彩数字文字知道坐姿优雅。

    We want to get them off to a good start knowing their colors and their Numbers and their letters and just knowing how to sit still.


  • 一种色彩只用强调,又节省效果

    One color, used sparingly for emphasis, can be relatively inexpensive and very effective.


  • 他们所有选择图像转化黑白模式让进行色彩调整

    They convert all of the appropriate images to black-and-white and then move on to color correction.


  • 如果使用的手机显示器材质超级tft,比如说新款HTC手机,这种材质的暗电平还可以(但不是非常棒),线条比较高,非常色彩

    If you have a Super TFT screen like the newer HTC phones, your phone has good (not great) black levels, sharp lines, and fairly good colors.


  • 蓝色绿色湖中通明的板,遮光作用非常色彩瑰丽的消费者的喜爱。

    Light blue and green grass in the lake is not lit, shading effect is very good, and colour is magnificent, more popular among consumers.


  • 另一个充满列文色彩Akamai销售人员在线门户网站名字泰坦”,这个词被用来形容某人工作完成非常

    Another Lewinism, describing someone who did a really good job, is now the name of the online portal for Akamai's salespeople: Titan.


  • 物流超别人的,大小合适布料穿戴舒畅图像色彩相同,没有色差期望店家生意兴隆

    Logistics fast, help others to buy the right size, good material, wear very comfortable, with the same color, no color, expect the store Business Flourishes.


  • 世界失去色彩无聊人生有时候真的郁闷啊,知道怎么

    My world has lost color, good ah boring life, sometimes it is really very depressing ah, I do not know how the.


  • 无需制版多彩图形,一次成像并且打印出来图案高清晰色彩鲜艳,附着力牢固度

    No need plate making, colorful graphics, imaging, and print design, high-definition, bright colors, strong adhesion, good fastness.


  • 原装屏幕显示分辨率色彩亮度触摸灵敏度高,摔不进水很难出问题。

    Original screen display resolution, color brightness, high sensitivity to touch, do not fall pressure is not difficult to water.


  • 直到找到一些树木灌木天空,还有想要整个色调搭配色彩后,我才停止纠结

    I struggled until I find some good trees, bushes, sky and colors that would match with the mood I wanted to give.


  • 听觉同样敏锐,能体察细微音调差别,就像其他种族分辨色彩一样

    Their sense of hearing is so acute that they percieve the tonal qualities of sound in much the same way other species percieve color.


  • 不见阳光,我闻不到芬芳没有色彩灰色大地荒凉

    I can't see the sun, I can't smell the fragrance of a flower, not the color gray, good and desolate.


  • 食物像是品尝音乐,能嗅闻的色彩,美妙在四周围绕。你只需细心留意享受

    Good food is like music you can taste, color you can smell. There is excellence all around you. You need only be aware to stop and savor it.


  • 留下喜欢色彩的软陶作为样品样品写下配方,然后放进罐子,或者在上面戳,用绳子他们都穿起来作为以后的参考。

    Keep small baked samples of colours you create and like - write the recipe on the sample and keep in a tin or make a hole in it and thread onto a cord to keep for reference.


  • 也许需要加点夸张戏剧色彩故事这么讲出来的。

    It might take a little exaggeration or dramatization, but that's what good storytelling is all about.


  • 达到这种感觉特别注意控制明度关系色彩纯度变化,从而产生一种特殊秩序

    In order to achieve this feeling, I specifically tried to create a special sense of order by controlling the relationship of light and the changes of color purity.


  • 基于两点觉得非常包括画面处理带有英雄主义色彩

    Based on these two points, I think very good, including the picture processing also with color of heroism.


  • 包装色彩选择优质着色技术可以进一步提高对于产品保护功能

    A good selection of colour and colouring technology will further enhance the product protection.


  • 指出颜料具有色彩鲜艳、遮盖力强、分散性、以及候、耐化学品稳定性优点

    The advantages of cadmium pigments including bright colour, good dispersion, anti-weathering, anti-chemicals and heat resistant stabilization have been indicated.


  • 吸收不透明度白度光泽彩色喷墨打印纸,印刷图像清晰度高,色彩再现

    The high image sharpness and color reproduction could be obtained by the matte coated paper with quick absorbency, high opacity and brightness.


  • 色彩平衡绿自然肤色调表现完红色极强阳光下明显。

    Color balance good, nice greens and natural skin tones, red blow outs in extreme sun.


  • 色彩平衡出厂默认开箱不是特别精确可以进行校正看起来非常

    Color balance out of the box with factory defaults is not particularly accurate, but it can be calibrated to look very good.


  • 很少圆形的珍珠而且色彩这么,所以它很珍贵,”宝石专家安托瓦内特·马丁,“他们找到了一颗美丽、珍贵、而且值钱的珍珠。”

    Few are round and few are a lovely color, so this is rare, " said gemologist Antoinette Matlins. "I think they have found something precious and lovely and valuable. "


  • 如果知道一个CSS一点就是,你可以改变内容色彩

    If you know a bit of CSS, that is good and you can change the coloring of the content.


  • 单一基质白光荧光粉具有流明效率高色彩还原性特点,所以研究的意义重大

    Due to the high lumens efficiency, good color reproduction characteristics of single matrix white phosphor, the research on it has great significance.


  • 采用全封闭防护效果造型美观色彩适宜,宜人性使轻松的感觉。

    Adopt entire enclosure protection, with good effect of three protections, The shape is beautiful and color is comfortable, which make people relaxed.


  • 工匠们开始琢磨漆器胎体、形制,漆质量色彩运用,并且更多使用毛笔打磨的漆画出多样装饰

    The workmen studied the shapes of the bases, the quality of the lacquer, and the use of different colors, and more often than not used brushes to draw varied decorative patterns on the polished bases.


  • 工匠们开始琢磨漆器胎体、形制,漆质量色彩运用,并且更多使用毛笔打磨的漆画出多样装饰

    The workmen studied the shapes of the bases, the quality of the lacquer, and the use of different colors, and more often than not used brushes to draw varied decorative patterns on the polished bases.


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