David Sommers has been loving color as COLOURlovers' blog editor-in-chief for the past two years.
With waterfalls and wild rivers, autumn’s amazing colors painting the forest and hillsides, and spring’s abundant profusion of wildflowers, the Highland region offers something for every taste.
If there's one thing that most e-reader enthusiasts want from the next generation of devices, it is color.
充满异域风情的狮子鱼被赏鱼爱好者所青睐。 狮子鱼身上条纹斑斓,色彩丰富,但因为其脊柱有剧毒,所以也被人称为"火鱼"。
The exotic looking lionfish, a favorite of aquarium owners, is a species of multi-colored, striped fish, also known as the Fire Fish because of its venomous spines.
Varichev is unsurpassed master of the open air painting of the last century. His ability to pass color feeling and states of nature can't leave lovers of painting from all over the world indifferent.
Varichev is unsurpassed master of the open air painting of the last century. His ability to pass color feeling and states of nature can't leave lovers of painting from all over the world indifferent.