• 张照片是2009年春天所拍摄反映美丽色彩对比人民勤劳的工作

    This photo was taken in spring 2009 while I was in China. It is a beautiful contrast of the colors and people working.


  • 知道线条形态色调色彩对比产生活力紧张或张力有什么作用呢?

    I know contrast in line, shape, tone, and colour creates vitality, but how about tension.


  • 另外可以通过对比手法包括面料对比色彩的对比突出纽襻设计等。

    Another approach can also be compared, including the fabric of the contrast and color contrast to highlight the design of New Zealand loop.


  • 建议体育场馆建设中充分考虑色彩色相、明度、纯度色彩的对比场馆不同设施的关系

    In the stadium hall construction, it should fully consider the relationship of the color appearance, the brilliance, the purity, and the color contrast with stadium hall.


  • 紧张张力对比也是绘画中的原则知道线条形态,色调,色彩的对比产生活力。紧张或张力有什么作用呢?

    Tension and contrast are also principles in painting. I know contrast in line shape to ne and colour creates vitality but how about tension.


  • 考虑对比色彩字体系统设置提供特定备选方案

    Respecting system Settings for high contrast, colors, and large fonts, or providing application-specific alternatives.


  • 所有影响整体形象修改色彩饱和度、色对比,都首当其冲,进行细节性的编辑修整

    All corrections that affect the whole image, such as color, saturation, level and contrast, should be made first, before starting to edit and retouch more in detail.


  • 体贴直接反映界面可能就成为柔和色彩形状善于引导描述了一个对比更强和线条更明确的界面。

    "Caring" might reflect an interface direction with soft colors and shapes, whereas "guiding" might represent an interface with more contrast and decisive lines.


  • 与会者积极地展示自己独特纹身鲜明色彩对比抽象的图案演绎人们带来非一般的视觉冲击

    Participants actively displayed their unique tattoos, whose bright color contrast and abstract images brought different visual impacts to people.


  • 绣品主要取材于龙凤、花鸟等,图案构图饱满、均对称,色彩对比强烈、富丽堂皇。 在针法上具有“针步均匀、纹理分明、处处见针、针针整齐”的特点。

    The embroidered pictures are mainly of dragons and phoenixes, and flowers and birds, with neat designs and strong, contrasting colors.


  • 与会者积极地展示自己独特纹身鲜明色彩对比抽象的图案演绎人们带来非一般的视觉冲击

    Participants actively displayed their unique tattoos, whose bright color contrast and abstract images brought different visual impacts to people


  • 一般网页可用性设计指南推荐使用有色彩对比sans - serif字体(高对比的白字黑底白字底,不是Chadwick对比的蓝字蓝底)。

    General web usability guidelines recommend sans-serif fonts with high contrast color selection (high-contrast white on black or dark blue rather than low-contrast like Chadwick's blue-on-blue).


  • 这里不仅壮观秋天景色叶片变化许多还喜欢这里明亮枝叶色彩柔和色调不变常青树的阴影所形成的鲜明对比

    It's not just the changing leaves that make for a spectacular autumn view. Many people enjoy the contrast of bright foliage against the subdued, constant shades of evergreens.


  • 莫奈说过:“色彩亮度,是源于对比的力度,固有特质……原色与其补色对比看起来最亮。”

    Monet said: “Color owes its brightness to force of contrast rather than to its inherent qualitiesprimary colors look brightest when they are brought into contrast with their complementaries.


  • 对比确定了显示器看到细节程度对比高,色彩更丰富、线条更清晰

    Contrast ratio determines the level of detail that can be seen on the display, with the higher ratio providing richer color and crisper lineation.


  • 选择类似色系的时候,需要保证其他色彩足够的对比效果

    Make sure you have enough contrast when choosing an analogous color scheme.


  • 许多还喜欢这里明亮枝叶色彩柔和色调不变常青树的阴影所形成鲜明对比

    Many people enjoy the contrast of bright foliage against the subdued, constant shades of evergreens.


  • 白色桌布做的,深蓝色形成对比印花的“比”设计房间增加了色彩

    The cushions are a mix; the white one is made from an old tablecloth to give contrast against the deep blue wall and the floral is my "Poppy" design which gives a lovely splash of colour.


  • 不仅导致了灰蒙蒙单调色彩同时降低了成像对比清晰度。

    Not only does this result in dull, monotone colors, but it also decreases contrast and image sharpness.


  • 使用OLED像素使Super AMOLED显示屏色彩显示更加准确同时对比更高

    The use of OLED pixels also allows the Super AMOLED display to show colors more accurately, while also giving a higher contrast.


  • 这种技术智能手机或是显示屏上的一样,色彩对比还有具代表性的就是电子墨水拥有更高的分辨率

    LCD: This tech in e-readers is just like on your smartphone or monitor. It's color, high-contrast, and typically sports much better resolution than E-Ink.


  • 第六nano加的功能对比色彩模式,能以“黑底白字显示

    New to the 6G nano is an inverted-color mode for “white-on-blackvisuals.


  • 白色桌布做深蓝色形成对比印花的“比”设计房间增加了色彩

    the white one is made from an old tablecloth to give contrast against the deep blue wall and the floral is myPoppydesign which gives a lovely splash of colour.


  • 散射色彩修正捆绑在一起,显亮板材,形成强烈的对比

    Diffuse slot is also attached to color correct to brighten boards and get some more contrast.


  • 几乎所有小鱼这种色彩搭配,暗色浅色的上方通常产生良好对比

    Almost all baitfish have this color arrangement, and dark over light usually produces good contrast.


  • 使用一个免费色彩对比工具(符合公认标准),可以轻松地衡量网站反差

    Using a free a Color contrast tool (which conforms to accepted standards) you can easily check to see how the contrast on your website measures up.


  • 最后分级非常简单关于提升对比通过降低整个图的饱和度来分散色彩

    The final grading is very simple and is all about upping contrast, crunching colors down a little by desaturating gradually the entire image.


  • 尤其值得注意的是,巧妙地运用光线明暗色调对比,使油画作品色彩更加浓厚,阴影更加深邃情绪表达更加大胆

    Most notable for her exceptional skill and comprehensive use of light and dark colors, the artist creates shadowy depths and bold moods in her rich oil paintings.


  • 尤其值得注意的是,巧妙地运用光线明暗色调对比,使油画作品色彩更加浓厚,阴影更加深邃情绪表达更加大胆

    Most notable for her exceptional skill and comprehensive use of light and dark colors, the artist creates shadowy depths and bold moods in her rich oil paintings.


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