• 需求管理中,采用提高灌溉水价又提高工业水价混合水价政策可能优的策略选择,采用农业节水技术为次优策略选择。

    For demand managements, the best policy is the mix water price policy through increasing both irrigation and industry water prices, and the next is adopting agricultural water-saving technology.


  • 河北平原水资源日益短缺冬小麦节水灌溉制度研究对于农业节水具有重要意义

    With the increasing scarce of water resources in Hebei plain, the research of water saving irrigation system on winter wheat will have important meaning for agricultural.


  • 认为设施农业节水灌溉技术选择水分环境调控要求为依据

    The choice of water saving irrigation technique in the instal lation agriculture must be on the basis of the moisture of regulation and control.


  • 生产者应当采用节水节能、节种、节先进种植养殖灌溉技术优先发展生态农业

    The producers shall adopt advanced technique of planting, breeding and irrigating on water saving, energy saving and fertilizer saving; and give priority to the development of ecological agriculture.


  • 节水灌溉区划研究农业水资源合理开发高效利用主要手段之一

    Water saving irrigation zoning is one of the main measures in studying the development and efficiency of agricultural water resources.


  • 大力推广农业节水灌溉,是从根本上解决我国农业缺水问题的重要措施

    To develop WSI is an important measure to thoroughly resolve water shortage situation in China.


  • 旱地农业今后节水农业中将发挥更大作用必将节水灌溉紧密结合,在西部开发伟业中建奇功。

    Dry land agriculture will bring into play more actions, and it will be combined more tightness with water saving irrigation, which will produce great successes in exploitation of the Western.


  • 土壤水分测量精细农业实施节水灌溉基础

    Measurement of soil water content is the basis of implementing water-saving irrigation in precision agriculture.


  • 激光平地我国今后农业节水灌溉方面必需高效平地技术

    The laser level land is essential a high-efficient level land technology in agriculture water-saving irrigation in the future of our country.


  • 灌溉利用系数衡量农业节水效果关键指标

    Water efficiency of irrigation is a key criterion for evaluation of agricultural water saving effect.


  • 水分生产率评价农业灌溉用水管理水平节水效果一个重要指标

    Agricultural water productivity is an important indicator to assess the effect of irrigation water management and water conservation.


  • 缺水地区除了节水灌溉技术节水栽培技术之外,调整种植结构也是农业节水一项重要技术措施

    In the regions short of water, the adjustment of planting structure is also an important measure to save water in agriculture besides water-saving irrigation techniques and cultivation techniques.


  • 灌溉技术一种农业节水灌溉节水于一体的节水灌溉技术,该灌水技术的技术要素研究不甚完善

    Irrigation on film hole is a water saving method in both agronomic and irrigating aspects, but it is still imperfect in the technical factors.


  • 提高自然降水灌溉利用效率节水农业解决中心问题

    The key problem needed to be solved in water saving agriculture is to increase the utilization efficiency of rainfall and irrigation.


  • 农业节水根本任务之一在于提高灌溉利用率生产效率

    One of fundamental tasks of agricultural water conservation is to improve the efficiency and productivity of irrigation water.


  • 节水农业不同于节水灌溉包括工程措施节水农业措施节水管理措施节水个更加完整的节水概念

    Saving agriculture is difference saving irrigation , it includes engineering measure saving water, agricultural measure saving water and management measure saving water, and it is better concept.


  • 农业灌溉有效利用率低下灌溉水利用系数不足0.4,灌区节水相当大的潜力

    The effective utilization rate of agricultural irrigation water is very low. Its utilization factor is below 0.4 that there are great potentialities on water saving in irrigated regions.


  • 再生回用农业就是经处理过再生水达到农田灌溉水质标准允许用于农田灌溉节水灌溉模式

    Renewable water recharge is processed agricultural renewable water to the irrigation water quality standards to allow for irrigation of water-saving irrigation patterns.


  • 潍坊又是农业大市,农业用水全市用水量85%,全市灌溉利用系数在0.5左右农业节水潜力巨大。

    Weifang is also the big agricultural city, the water used in agriculture occupies 85% of the whole city water consumption. The utilization coefficient of the whole city irrigation water is about 0.5.


  • 利用滴灌系统施用农药可以将农药直接作用植物节水农业和生态农业中一种先进灌溉施药方法

    In recent years, the use of chemigation has become a method to apply pesticides directly to the root zone of plant through trickle irrigation systems.


  • 阐述了农业节水灌溉三大体系指出节水必须遵循经济规律同时考虑综合效益。

    The water saving irrigation in the three systems, and that water must follow the economic laws at the same time take into account the benefits.


  • 结果说明山东省相对灌溉农业节水潜力2000 ~ 2030年呈现不断减少的趋势。

    This result explains: the relative water-saving potential reduce continuously from 2000 to 2030 in Shandong Province.


  • 结果说明山东省相对灌溉农业节水潜力2000 ~ 2030年呈现不断减少的趋势。

    This result explains: the relative water-saving potential reduce continuously from 2000 to 2030 in Shandong Province.


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