Covering arts and culture from a liberal viewpoint, the paper started the "alternative" genre that now includes such publications as Washington, DC's City paper and the Chicago Reader.
"They hate the term, but that's how people refer to it, " says Mike Sula, a food columnist for the weekly Chicago Reader.
"My constant fear is that we're going to run out of writers in Chicago," said Mr. Griffith, 27, who in his spare time is a theater critic for the Chicago Reader, an alternative paper.
“My constant fear is that we’re going to run out of writers in Chicago,” said Mr. Griffith, 27, who in his spare time is a theater critic for The Chicago Reader, an alternative paper.
One investigative report on the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) recently was rejected for page one because, as one ranking editor put it, the CHA "is not our demographic".
By scanting this complexity, Remnick leaves readers with a less than totally satisfying depiction of Obama's encounter with the world of black Chicago.
By scanting this complexity, Remnick leaves readers with a less than totally satisfying depiction of Obama's encounter with the world of black Chicago.