Eating and drinking habits have changed considerably in the last five years.
"We found that with changing lifestyles and with foods from the East becoming more popular that our cleaning techniques just weren't powerful enough anymore, " said Johnson's spokesman David Bryant.
For hundreds of years the French have ridiculed our food, scoffed at our culture and mocked our stiff upper lip.
The low quality of bread, which made up 40 per cent of the diet of the poor in Britain in 1911, was widely blamed: modern nutritional science has shown that bread was indeed a crucial villain.
It's possible that people in the UK are exposed to lower levels of BPA, because of different packaging or different dietary habits.
Experts say around 20, 000 lives a year could be saved if Britons simply tweaked their diet to include one gram less of salt a day, an extra piece of fruit and less saturated fat.
Dieticians warn that Britons need to transform their eating habits, with around a quarter of the population classed as obese - so fat their health is in danger.
Just 11 per cent of Brits have tried modifying their diet to see how it improves their quality of sleep, according to the recent study.
A new survey has revealed that half of Britons have already ditched the diet they started last month and it's afternoon snacking that's to blame.
British food is very different. British people eat a lot of desserts after their main meal.
British's nobility and pragmatism is not acquitting themselves well in all aspect of social life, but also show themselves in the British food and drink.
Campaigners estimate that bad diet kills as many as 60,000 Britons each year - not far off the 80,000 deaths from cancer and 15 times the number killed on the roads.
Campaigners estimate that bad diet kills as many as 60,000 Britons each year - not far off the 80,000 deaths from cancer and 15 times the number killed on the roads.