• 例如最近一些新闻标题所反映的:英国保守党政客们美国的。

    Consider the recent headlines: Britain's Conservative politicians are pro-American.


  • 此次遏制每年英国留学300,000人数数量的提议源于英国保守党承诺,即将每年欧洲以外的移民人数从2009年的184,000人控制100,000人。

    The move to curb the annual flow of 300,000 students into Britain stems from the Tory pledge to reduce net annual migration from outside Europe to below 100,000 from the 2009 level of 184,000.


  • 英国政坛右派是以保守党代表

    The Right in British politics is represented by the Conservative Party.


  • 如果保守党下次竞选中胜出,那么英国参与欧洲事务。

    Britain's European engagement will further diminish under the Conservatives, if they win the next election.


  • 保守党留在欧洲人民党内与其国内搞的捍卫英国主权运动抵触

    Tories say that staying in the EPP was inconsistent with campaigning at home to defend British sovereignty.


  • 数百万欧洲人欧元区债务危机深感忧虑,而英国保守党中的一些人却为此窃喜

    Among millions of Europeans, the euro-zone crisis inspires stomach-turning fear. Among some British Conservatives, it provokes glee.


  • 保守党希望欧洲脱离关系英国成为欧盟之外大型挪威瑞士时,也毫无道理

    The Tory desire to strip down relations with Europe, as if Britain might become a giant Norway or Switzerland outside the club, makes no sense either.


  • 英国反对派保守党承诺保住债券的AAA级别

    Britain's opposition Conservatives have promised to defend its AAA rating.


  • 而欧洲的怀疑论者英国保守党希望举行次公投,以重新考虑英国是否还将留在欧盟。

    Eurosceptical British Tories want a referendum to force a renegotiation of Britain's membership or perhaps get out altogether.


  • 伦敦召开20会议英国率先采取银行救市有效预算刺激(与保守党建议形成鲜明对比),理应得到赞扬

    He deserves credit for convening the G20 meeting in London, and for Britain's pioneering bank rescues and useful budgetary stimulus (in noted contrast to the Tories' proposals).


  • 与此相反,40%保守党候选人希望在从根本上重新协商英国成员国地位干脆退出之间选择一个。

    By contrast 40% of Tory candidates favour either "fundamental" renegotiation of Britain's membership or withdrawal.


  • 保守党英国选举机制当中处于劣势所以据估计他们需要自然领先大约10个百分点,确保压倒性多数

    The Tories labour under a disadvantage in Britain's electoral system, such that they are generally reckoned to need a national lead of around ten points in order to ensure an overall majority.


  • 团名为“欧洲保守派改革派党团”,包括9个国家56名欧洲议会议员,其中26来自英国保守党

    The new "European Conservatives and Reformists Group" consists of 56 MEPs from nine countries, 26 of them British Conservatives.


  • 但是并不意味着就象大多数英国保守党认为的,他们根本就不能判断

    But that does not mean, as Britain's Conservatives almost seem to think, that they cannot be judged at all.


  • 最终2000年获得爵位的时候,保守党保证只要纳税就可以成为英国公民。

    When he was at last ennobled in 2000, the Tories gave assurances that he would become resident in Britain for tax purposes.


  • 如果保守党五月上台的话,那么布朗先生计谋对于英国来说像是一场头痛

    Mr Brown’s tactics may look more like a headache for Britain, however, if the Conservatives come to power in May.


  • 2010年初,更多的注意力投向英国,投向英国大选保守党——这个强烈的欧洲怀疑者赢得前景

    Early 2010 will see increasing attention paid to Britain, and the prospect that the election there will be won by a deeply Eurosceptic Conservative Party.


  • 对于保守党,对于自民党,甚至对于英国这个交易明智的。

    For the Tories, for the Lib Dems and for Britain, it's a good deal.


  • 到了最后,要求改变愿望了上风,在选举日那一天投票选举铁娘子保守党英国达到创纪录的新高。

    In the end, though, the desire for change proved overwhelming, and on election day Britons voted in near record Numbers for the Tories and their fighting lady.


  • 保守党支持保守党的媒体,尽量把这场危机描绘成由布朗制造的独特英国困局

    The Conservatives and the Tory press have sought to present this crisis as a uniquely made-by-Brown British problem.


  • 主持建立保守党现代架构1834年发布了英国历史上一部全国竞选宣言

    He presided over the foundation of the structure of the modern party and, in 1834, launched the first national election manifesto in British history.


  • 指出保守党没有信守至少推迟了一些重要的政策比如重建英国威慑力减少遗产税欧洲以及新建监狱。

    The Conservatives had also ditched or postponed cherished policies, he noted, on renewing Britain's nuclear deterrent, cutting inheritance tax, picking fights with Europe and building prisons.


  • 小报保守党一致认为英国好机会来了。

    Yet tabloids and Tory ministers agree that a grand opportunity looms.


  • 不同寻常保守党内有扩大公民自由权利减少入狱人员谈论另一自由党示好的提案是,英国公民来年投票决定是否改变投票制度

    Unusually for the Tories, there is talk of increasing civil liberties and imprisoning fewer people; and in another SOP to the Liberals, Britons next year will vote on a change to their voting system.


  • 相比之下,保守党希望今年开始因为他们害怕拖延危机英国信用评级进而高利率

    By contrast, the Conservatives want to get going this year since they fear that delay could imperil Britain's credit rating and thus push up interest rates.


  • 2000年,身为英国保守党成员伯利兹长大终身贵族迈克·阿什克罗夫特掌控的控股公司,取得了电讯传媒的控股权

    In 2000 holding companies controlled by Michael Ashcroft, a member of Britain's Conservative Party and a life peer who grew up in Belize, bought a controlling interest in Telemedia.


  • 英国保守党惧怕布莱尔影响力反对就任该职;还有很多反对他,是因为伊拉克战争中的表现,以及担任首相期间未能英国走近欧盟的事实。

    Mr Blair is also opposed by the Tories, who fear his clout; and by many others because of his role in the Iraq war and his perceived failure as prime minister to push his country closer to the EU.


  • 他们藐视保守党,认为该党是“目光短浅无知自大英国”,仅仅因为他们害怕大卫卡梅隆所领导的党派会竭尽全力摧毁欧盟

    Their contempt for the Tories as “myopic, ignorant little Englanders” was matched only by their fear that David Cameron's party was hellbent on destroying the European Union.


  • 保守党需要英国南部以外地区赢得至少117个座位,才能获得有效多数地位——这数字将是二战以来该党面临的最高门槛。

    Mr Cameron's party needs to break out of its southern heartlands to win at least 117 seats - its biggest total since the second world war - to secure a working majority.


  • 保守党需要英国南部以外地区赢得至少117个座位,才能获得有效多数地位——这数字将是二战以来该党面临的最高门槛。

    Mr Cameron's party needs to break out of its southern heartlands to win at least 117 seats - its biggest total since the second world war - to secure a working majority.


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