The leaked report details incidents at 3 plants that were serious enough to be reported to ministers.
It is not the first time the BBC has refused to air charity appeals, although the backlash has never been on this scale, or included criticism from British government ministers.
Some concerned departments of British cabinet declared on 16th that new fathers will qualify for almost six months 'paid paternity leave, although there are still some controversial sounds.
Some concerned departments of British cabinet declared on 16th that new fathers will qualify for almost six months’ paid paternity leave, although there are still some controversial sounds.
Scrap it, and more British cases would head to the European court. Nor would much change if the government fulfils its ambition to create a British Bill of Rights.
Its readership includes diplomats in the UK, British Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet members, MPs, Lords, MEPs and international relations scholars and experts.
Its readership includes diplomats in the UK, British Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet members, MPs, Lords, MEPs and international relations scholars and experts.