• 英国每日电讯报9月17日报道,位于英国的马里奥餐厅提供巨量早餐,而进入世界吉尼斯记录

    According to the Daily Telegraph of September 17, Mario's cafe bar has entered has entered the Guinness World Records book for cooking up the biggest full English breakfast in Bolton, UK.


  • 英国每日电讯报》报道,科学家发现近年地中海出现的大白鲨竟属于澳大利亚种群。

    Great white sharks found in the Mediterranean were originally from Australia, researchers have discovered, the Daily Telegraph of London reported.


  • 英国每日电讯报》报道,由于经济低迷,人们再花数百英镑费用品茶聊天艺妓们只好放下架子,提供廉价的啤酒服务。

    But geishas have taken to serving beer as the downturn means people are no longer willing to pay hundreds of pounds simply to enjoy tea and conversation, the Daily Telegraph of London reported.


  • 英国每日电讯报》报道,上海苹果未来在华营销计划的一部分,未来2中国开设25旗舰店。

    The Shanghai shop is the first of around 25 retail stores that Apple is planning to open across China over the next 2 years, the Daily Telegraph of London reported.


  • 英国每日电讯报》报道,数千哈萨克斯坦人正在争相证明自己成吉思汗后裔。

    Thousands of Kazakhs are competing to prove their relationship to Genghis Khan, the Daily Telegraph of London reported.


  • 英国每日电讯报》报道,8美国达美航空公司纽约飞往伦敦的航班晚点,原因机舱发现了只老鼠于是乘客不得不转另外一架班机

    A Delta Air Lines flight from New York to London was delayed last Sunday night after a mouse was spotted in the cabin and passengers were transferred to another plane, the Daily Telegraph reported.


  • 英国每日电讯报》5报道,经常将笔记本电脑放在腿上()可能导致皮肤永久灼伤

    People who work with a laptop computers resting on their legs (see photo) are warned that they could be permanently damaging their skin, the Daily Telegraph of London reported Tuesday.


  • 英国每日电讯报》13报道,经过历时8年"美白""矫正"工程意大利比萨斜塔恢复了昔日风貌。

    The Leaning Tower of Pisa has been returned to its former glory after an 8-year restoration project in which it was cleaned and partially straightened, the Daily Telegraph of London reported Monday.


  • 英国每日电讯报》1月7报道,一项科学研究显示,和比自己年轻很多结婚别人眼里显得更老

    According to the Daily Telegraph on January 7, marrying someone much younger only makes you seem older in the eyes of everyone else, shows an academic study.


  • 英国每日电讯报10月31日报道,一项最新研究发现杏仁可以帮助人体抵抗普通感冒流感病毒入侵。

    According to the Daily Telegraph of October 31, a new study has revealed that eating almonds can help the body to fight off viral infections such as the common cold and flu.


  • 英国每日电讯报11月8日报道,一项最新研究表明获得奖励增加人们快乐感

    According to the Daily Telegraph of November 8, the feeling that you have earned a reward actually increases the pleasure you take from it, a new study suggests.


  • 英国每日电讯报》11日报道,新一代英国青少年互联网手机短信的陪伴下,日常词汇仅有800单词将导致他们长大后面临失业危机。

    Teenagers who communicate via the Internet and by text messages are risking unemployment because their daily vocabulary consists of just 800 words, the Daily Telegraph reported Monday.


  • 英国每日电讯报》报道,一项新的科学研究称,权力岗位女强人和在同等岗位上的男性一样出轨比例较高。

    Women in positions of power are just as likely as their male counterparts to be unfaithful, a scientific study has found, the Telegraph of London reported.


  • 英国每日电讯报近日报道,“英国最有才华宠物”节目组织者他们发现了一只既除草弹钢琴宠物

    Organizers of "Britain's Most Talented Pet" say they have found a dog that can mow the lawn and play the piano, the Daily Telegraph reported.


  • 英国每日电讯报》报道,英国最大制造商推动下,土豆可能很快再次利用成为制作薯片包装袋的原材料。

    Potato chip bags may soon be made from recycled potato peelings in a move by the UK's largest potato chip manufacturer, the Daily Telegraph of London reported.


  • 英国每日电讯报饮食专栏作者•克莱注意理论,她评论道:“项引人注目的理论。

    The Daily Telegraph's food writer Xanthe Clay takes a look at the theory.She writes:" It's a tempting theory.


  • 英国每日电讯报饮食专栏作者·克莱注意理论评论道:“一项引人注目的理论。”

    The Daily Telegraph's food writer Xanthe Clay takes a look at the theory. She writes: "it's a tempting theory."


  • 英国每日电讯报记者彼得·福斯特全国各省作文题目发表博客中,希望"给大家提供点用以娱乐的精神食粮"。

    Peter Foster, a Daily Telegraph reporter, posted the essay questions from national and provincial papers to his blogs, saying the "brainteasers" are "creative".


  • 英国每日电讯报》消息,由于劳动力成本上升棉花短缺中国雄踞牛仔裤王国日子屈指可数

    Rising labor costs and a shortage of cotton means that China's days at the head of a denim empire could soon be numbered, the Daily Telegraph reports.


  • 英国每日电讯报》日前报道,科学家宣称,在今年时候当夜空中明亮颗恒星爆炸时,地球将会发现自己这“第二个太阳”共处长达几个星期的时间

    The Earth could find itself with a 'second sun' for a period of weeks later this year when one of the night sky's most luminous stars explodes, scientists have claimed.


  • 英国每日电讯报报道白宫大总管”拉姆·伊曼纽尔已经开始厌倦巴马核心团队理想主义”,可能今年年底辞职。

    Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, is expected to leave his job later this year after growing tired of the "idealism" of Barack Obama's inner circle, the Daily Telegraph of London reported.


  • 傅莹大使,12月17日发表于英国每日电讯报》。

    Article by Ambassador Fu Ying to the Daily Telegraph on December 17th.


  • 英国每日电讯报8月31日报道,最近,印度拉贾斯坦吉州村位妇女抽蒂?自己奶水一头牛犊哺乳,就像是在喂自己的孩子

    According to the Daily Telegraph of August 31, Couthi Bai, a female villager from Kilchu, India, breastfeeds a 46-day-old cow as if it were her own offspring.


  • 英国每日电讯报114日报道,美国患有糖尿病英国两倍患有癌症的人英国三分之一

    According to the Daily Telegraph of November 4, people in the US are twice as likely to contract diabetes and a third more likely to develop cancer than those among similar aged people in England.


  • 英国每日电讯报》21日报道英国皇家威尔士军营近日山羊比利举行盛大的退役仪式

    The UK's first Battalion, The Royal Welsh, held a grand retirement ceremony for their regimental goat Billy, the Daily Telegraph reported Thursday.


  • 英国每日电讯报》报道,调研机构onepoll4000名英国人做了一项调查,发现受访者喜欢气味新鲜面包味,其次洁净床单的草坪散发的味道。

    Freshly baked bread topped the list of Britain's favorite smells, said a survey of 4000 Britons, followed by clean sheets and freshly mowed grass, the Daily Telegraph reported.


  • 英国每日电讯报》报道,调研机构onepoll4000名英国人做了一项调查,发现受访者喜欢气味新鲜面包味,其次洁净床单的草坪散发的味道。

    Freshly baked bread topped the list of Britain's favorite smells, said a survey of 4000 Britons, followed by clean sheets and freshly mowed grass, the Daily Telegraph reported.


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