The Food Standards Authority (FSA) has issued a public warning about the risks of a compound called acrylamide that forms in some foods cooked at high temperatures.
The Food Standards Authority (FSA) has issued a public warning about the risks of a compound called acrylamide that forms in some foods cooked at high temperatures.
Pregnant women should eat fish twice a week, says the Food Standards Agency.
The commission has also ordered the UK Food Standards Agency to investigate and potentially look at ways to make entomophagy - the eating of insects - a more popular choice.
The FSA's intervention will usher in several benefits for consumers, though they do come with some hefty provisos.
The FSA does not currently advise that people should specifically try to avoid foods high in acrylamide.
But the agency could struggle to meet that, as Britons are consuming an average 8.56g a day.
The agency said in August it traced three bulls born in the UK with embryos from a cloned cow in the US.
The report also highlights the work the Agency did in2009 to review and improve its handling of incidents.
The provisional results of the tests on a pre-prepared cottage pie from an external supplier were reported late yesterday evening, February 14, and have been passed on to the Food Standards Agency.
On top of the dip in sales, the Food Standards Agency's Organic Food Report this summer concluded that the nutritional benefits of organic food were negligible.
The food Standards Agency was set up in 2000 to hold food firms to account after a series of scandals in which people had died from food-borne illnesses such as e.coli and CJD.
The food Standards Agency was set up in 2000 to hold food firms to account after a series of scandals in which people had died from food-borne illnesses such as e. coli and CJD.
2008年,英国食品标准局发现包括HulaHoops,Ryvitaand Pringles这一系列加工食品中有高含量的丙烯酰胺。
In 2008 the UK food Standards Agency found high levels of acrylamide in a range of processed foods including Hula Hoops, Ryvita and Pringles.
在英国食品标准局(Food StandardsAgency)的葡萄酒标准处正式注册的英国葡萄园数量,去年从350个上升到了365个。
The number of UK vineyards officially registered with the Wine Standards Branch of the Food Standards Agency rose from 350 to 365 last year.
The Food Standards Agency has long held a sceptical line, while the Advertising Standards Authority has banned organic producers from making health claims.
The Food Standards Agency has long held a sceptical line, while the Advertising Standards Authority has banned organic producers from making health claims.