It tests the preparedness of non-native English speakers for university-level studies in English.
In general, I'd just love to talk to game developers and say, "Make an ESL server."
On the other hand, when jokes work, they can be a huge success with a non-native speaking audience.
The language Teaching Program, for example, brings teachers of English as a foreign language to work at American colleges and universities.
ESL is an acronym for English as a Second language. ESL refers to the use or study of English by speakers with a different native language.
Rhetoric embodies the art of creating and delivering speeches, this is a skill difficult not only for non-native English speakers, but also for many native speakers of English as well.
English is not our mother tongue and students lack the environment of training listening and speaking, which restricts the development of students 'oral skills.
经过两个月的 ESL(非母语英语课程) 的学习,我拿到了我的第一份成绩单。
After two months on an ESL (English as a Second Language) course, I got my first report card.
She says her team has noticed that non-native speakers are varying standard English grammar in several ways.
An English as a second language specialist joins the class for some lessons.
Dictionary of English Idiomand Idiomatic Expressions:非英语母语和好奇的地道说英语的人在这个站点搜索像“part andparcel”或者“gnawyourvitals”这样的成语。
ESL students and curious native speakers can search this dictionary to find idioms like "part and parcel," or "gnaw your vitals."
We have thousands of readers who are not native English speakers but whose knowledge of the language is sufficient to take in these pages every day.
Mr Graddol says the majority of encounters in English today take place between non-native speakers.
If native speakers of English are not to become international corporate pariahs, they will need to learn how to speak global English - in other words, to communicate with non-native speakers.
In time, many of the new schools will close, too, unless they avoid enrolling low-performing students, like those who don’t read English or are homeless or have profound disabilities.
As new English-learners, the entrants are expected to show some first-language interference such as the mispronunciation of certain phonemes and non-English stress and intonation patterns.
Today, many exciting business events take place in non-English speaking regions.
Nouns that are not plural in native-speaker English are used as plurals by non-native speakers (" informations ", "knowledges", "advices").
Today serious competitors include not only Canada but also-though complacent Anglophones deny it-non-english-speaking countries such as Germany, France and perhaps the Netherlands.
在美国读师范会帮你找到很多就业机会,尤其在数学、特殊教育、科学和非母语英语教程(English asa second language)方面。
Students who receive a teaching degree in the US will find many employment opportunities, particularly in fields like mathematics, special education, science, and ESL.
非英语母语人士对人用“which”,对物用“who”(“things who”与“people which”),这种情况也很常见。
It is also common for non-native speakers to use "which" for humans and "who" for non - humans (" things who "and" people which ").
Non-native speakers now outnumber native English-speakers by three to one.
He is speaking to a foreigner whose first language is not English, rather than a native American who can understand whatever accents and local dialect.
As a non-native English speaker, I credit Google Translate with helping me prepare for countless presentations in English and avoid embarrassment in an even larger number of email correspondences.
Here's a page from a book, published by Cambridge University Press, used regularly to teach English to non-native speakers.
There have been attempts before to produce an easy to learn version of English for the benefit of non-native speakers.
Why should non-native speakers bother with what native speakers regard as correct?
Why should non-native speakers bother with what native speakers regard as correct?