In the app Store on the phone, Apple will now also give users recommendations for other apps.
Launched just five months ago, the store now offers over 10, 000 third-party apps, and Apple has seen over 300 million downloads.
Backlash against the App Store causes more and more developers to defect to Android and competing platforms.
For as long as I can remember, there has been one app that has constantly held the top paid app spot in Apple's app Store: Angry Birds. Sure, other apps surge to the top briefly.
For as long as I can remember, there has been one app that has constantly held the top paid app spot in Apple's app Store: Angry Birds.Sure, other apps surge to the top briefly.
With this process, the cracked apps will still work, but a message will appear after 10 runs encouraging the owner to purchase the legal copy in the iTunes store or exit the application.
Apple iPhone owners can choose to download approximately 65,000 services from the app Store, meanwhile Nokia's Ovi only offers 4,500 applications.
Virtually all of the Apple App Store's 140,000 apps will work on the new iPad, either running them with pixel-for-pixel accuracy in a large black box or in full-screen mode.
Recently, though, Apple has been rejecting an unusual number of apps built with PhoneGap from its app store. The company's reasons don't seem clear and developers want to know what's going on.
When I first joined the Apple online store, I was paired up with an experienced software engineer so that I could get up to speed on the code repository, build process, and unit and component testing.
With the iPhone and its app Store, Apple appears to have learned the lesson that the software makes the platform.
In its Apple App Store description, the app claims to offer “the first line of information to anyone considering divorce or separation and who wants to be better informed about the process”.
The Android Market pales in comparison to Apple's app Store based on number of apps, but that doesn't mean the quality of apps available to Android users aren't up to snuff.
The App Store is obviously one of Apple's most important assets in the mobile market.
Apple said it planned to split the revenue from the store with developers, with 30 percent for Apple and 70 percent for the software creator.
Apple's app Store, for example, offers thousands of health-related applications.
App Engine basically recreated the App Store on the web - including Apple's layout.
Apple has other advantages too, such as an online store full of software programmes, or apps, designed for iPads, as well as content that can be downloaded to them.
Apple has other advantages, such as an online store full of software programmes, or apps, designed for iPads, as well as content that can be downloaded to them.
Apple's App store is not popular because it gives developers an opportunity to write more software and sell it through a proprietary, pain-in-the-ass storefront system.
To start, Apple will make its own software available through the store, including Pages, Numbers, GarageBand and iPhoto.
另一家市场调查机构MarkMulliganof Forrester则指出,令人担忧的是该软件也太像苹果公司热门的在线音乐商店iTune了。
As mark Mulligan of Forrester, another market-research firm, points out, it also looks disturbingly like an alternative to Apple's popular iTunes online music store.
Apple's stated purpose of its revised iPhone developer policy is to block out meta platforms to ensure a high level of quality in the App Store.
苹果的App商店以其提供数以千记的应用软件拓展而闻名,有些是免费 的,它们可以让使用者自己检查身体状况,美化手机,玩游戏等等。
The Apple App Store is famous for offering hundreds of thousands of apps, many for free, that allow users to track their health, paint on their phones, play games, and much more. Cost: $299
Apple today announced that a total of 2 billion apps have now been downloaded from the app Store.
Apple today announced that a total of 2 billion apps have now been downloaded from the app Store.