The person who came closest to reaching this ideal of the multi-talented "Renaissance Man" was the Italian artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci.
莱昂纳多·达芬奇的巨幅杰作在维斯汉姆的老鹰草甸(Eagles Meadow )购物中心展出。
The giant version of the Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece has gone on display at the Eagles Meadow shopping centre in Wrexham.
And now look at Leonardo da Vinci's ermine, resting quietly, although still very much alert, in the loose grip of his mistress.
The health of the famous picture, painted by Leonardo da Vinci in 1505, is getting worse by the year, according to the Louvre Museum where it is housed.
Leonardo Da Vinci had a bed in his studio and when patrons accused him of wasting time, he said 'If I don't do this, you don't get the work.'
Leonardo Da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, William Shakespeare and Nikola Tesla -- to name a few -- all reached historical genius status with their widespread contributions to Western society.
The giant version of Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece measuring 17.5 metres across and 50 times bigger than the original, is an attempt to produce the largest ever reproduction of the painting.
The giant version of Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece measuring 17.5 metres across and 50 times bigger than the original, is an attempt to produce the largest ever reproduction of the painting.