• 获得男子甲组400米冠军

    He won the senior men's 400 metres.


  • 没有任何政党可望获得绝对多数

    No one party is expected to gain an outright majority.


  • 该党获得超过50%选票

    The party gained over 50% of the vote.


  • 连续获得冠军

    She's won the championship three years running.


  • 获得40%选票

    She obtained 40% of the vote.


  • 法律获得广泛赞同

    The new laws have gained widespread acceptance.


  • 竞赛中获得头奖。

    She won first prize in the competition.


  • 今年公司有望获得创纪录利润

    The company is expected to report record profits this year.


  • 农民获得政府授权开发这些农场

    Farmers were granted concessions from the government to develop the farms.


  • 这种新药尚未美国获得许可

    The new drug has not yet been licensed in the US.


  • 这个思想现在获得普遍接受

    The idea is now widely accepted.


  • 莫桑比克于1975年获得独立

    Mozambique became independent in 1975.


  • 离开学校没有获得正式学历

    He left school with no formal qualifications.


  • 获得邀请,感到非常兴奋。

    I was thrilled to be invited.


  • 获得同事推荐这个岗位

    She was recommended for the post by a colleague.


  • 这个项目获得更多资源

    The project is being allocated more resources.


  • 他们有权优先获得该处房产

    They have a prior claim to the property.


  • 儿时的经历获得灵感

    She drew her inspiration from her childhood experiences.


  • 美国奴隶直到1863年才获得自由。

    Slaves were not emancipated until 1863 in the United States.


  • 这事需要获得经理准许

    I'll have to clear it with the manager.


  • 已经获得九次奥斯卡提名

    He has had nine Oscar nominations.


  • 这种产品获得极大的成功

    This product has been phenomenally successful.


  • 我们小时获得报酬的。

    We're paid by the hour.


  • 获得一级优等英语学位

    She was awarded a first-class degree in English.


  • 每个人都获得愉悦。

    Everybody takes pleasure in eating.


  • 没有立即就获得后备

    There is no emergency back-up immediately available.


  • 这些间谍获得免予公诉

    The spies were all granted immunity from prosecution.


  • 享受刚刚获得自由

    He was enjoying his new-found freedom.


  • 这项计划获得无条件批准。

    The plan was approved without qualification.


  • 那个没有获得合法地位

    The party was denied legal status.


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