She walked back into the first kitchen-garden she had entered and found the old man digging there.
I doubt that, anywhere in thewest, one would find such an abundance of gardens.
My father was out of work over six weeks. Good thing we had a garden.
Michelle Obama is planting a vegetable garden on the White House lawn.
As long as you like, let us build you a complete part of your own vegetable garden now!
"My decision to start a garden is an extension of my work," Ms. Crossfield said.
Peter disobeys his mother by going into Mr. McGregor's garden and almost gets caught.
While we were away on holiday and no one looked after the garden; All the vegetables went to seed and were unfit to eat.
They are replanting everything now so that we will be using fresh herbs, fresh vegetables straight from our garden.
Hoop houses for winter growing can even be found at the White House, where Michelle Obama has a vegetable garden.
Keeping a garden makes you aware of how delicate, bountiful, and easily ruined the surface of this little planet is.
Being still hale and hearty in spite of his seventy years, my father was able to add to his pension by selling vegetables from his garden.
Rabbits may be known for getting into gardens and nibbling on lettuce, but their diets include more than just leafy greens.
After planting the garden he has dreamed of for years, Mr. McGreely tries to find a way to keep some persistent bunnies from eating all his vegetables.
MAKEISHA DAYE: "They are replanting everything now so that we will be using fresh herbs, fresh vegetables straight from our garden."
He has sat a while in the summit, white clouds arrive leisurely, curl up him, led him to fly a while in the sky, finally descended in a main dish garden.
She encouraged them through the preparation and planting, and when the dog days of the project came around, she required they keep the garden weeded and watered.
The food goes to the center's volunteers and children in the neighborhood who work in the garden one day a week and learn to cook what they grow.
As soon as they had passed beyond the fence, they all moved without noise or talk, lengthening out along the road and the field to the Otradnoe forest.
And while it may be easy to get carried away with edible gardening, don't forget to plant a few flowers to spruce up the look of your garden and also attract bees to help pollinate your food crops.
鲁智深打死恶霸镇关西后,怕吃官司,逃往他低。 他先来到五台山文殊院出家,因不守佛规,喝酒闹事,方丈又把他介绍到大相国寺看菜园子。
After killing the local tyrant Zhen Guanxi, for fear of being jailed, Lu Zhishen fled to Mount Wutai where he stayed in a temple as a monk.
鲁智深打死恶霸镇关西后,怕吃官司,逃往他低。 他先来到五台山文殊院出家,因不守佛规,喝酒闹事,方丈又把他介绍到大相国寺看菜园子。
After killing the local tyrant Zhen Guanxi, for fear of being jailed, Lu Zhishen fled to Mount Wutai where he stayed in a temple as a monk.