• 本文结合香精油理化性质及其作用机理,对动物生产中的抗菌作用营养物质代谢影响进行介绍。

    In this article, the physicochemical property and mechanism of essential oil and its antibacterial action in animal production as well as the influence to nutrient metabolism were reviewed.


  • 研究小组认为里面大有文章。也许身体是饥是饱、对食物营养物质吸收代谢情况,我们认为重要

    The team thinks there's more to it. Perhaps hunger, fullness and how the body absorbs and metabolizes nutrients in food matters more than we think.


  • 本文研究了硼砂绵羊营养物质消化代谢影响

    Effects of borax on digestibility of nutrients and nitrogen metabolism in sheep were investigated.


  • 本文旨在研究不同条件下小羊各种营养物质代谢全面评价两种不同能量、蛋白梯度日粮的营养价值

    Metabolic rates of various nutrients at different conditions by alpacas were determined, in order to estimate nutritional values of two diets of different energy and protein contents.


  • 第二部分采用全收粪收尿方法研究连续添加不同剂量胱胺营养物质消化代谢影响

    Part two: Effects of supplementating different levels of cysteamine on nutrient digestion and metabolism were investigated by total feces and urine collection method.


  • 饲粮电解质平衡显著地影响营养物质代谢动物健康生产性能。

    Dietary electrolyte balance affect involve to significantly nutrient metabolism, animal health and growth rate.


  • 维生素催化剂作用它们促进其他营养物质合成和降解因此控制一般代谢过程中重要作用

    Vitamins express catalytic functions: they can facilitate both synthesisand degradation of other nutrients – and therefore play a major role in thecontrol of general metabolism.


  • 饲粮电解质平衡状况影响动物机体酸碱平衡,进而影响营养物质消化吸收率,还可通过改变一些的活性而影响氨基酸养分的代谢利用

    Dietary electrolyte balance can influence on acid-base balance, digestibility and absorption of nutrition, the metabolism of amino acid by changing the correlative enzyme.


  • 摘要试验旨在研究粮亚油酸水平育成蓝狐生长性能营养物质消化率代谢影响。

    Abstract: This study was conducted to study the effects of dietary linoleic acid level on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and nitrogen metabolism of blue foxes in growing period.


  • 几天之后测验封闭里面的空气是否放射性。如果的话,说明营养物质多少已经产生代谢变化。

    After several days, the enclosed atmosphere was tested for radioactivity, which might indicate that the nutrients had somehow been metabolized.


  • 本文综述了蛋白质脂类糖类维生素物质营养物质需求,黑鲷物质能量代谢营养生理方面的研究成果,并指明了今后研究的方向。

    The requirement of black porgy on protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin, mineral et al, and material energy metabolism and nutrient physiology were reviewed in the paper.


  • 由于肿瘤细胞代谢正常细胞更加旺盛对氧气其他营养物质需求也更多因此大多数实体肿瘤的主要特征之一

    Because the metabolism of tumor cells are more vigorous than normal cells, it demands for more oxygen and other nutrients. Thus hypoxia is one of the main features of solid tumor.


  • 认为各个细胞健康取决于周围环境供应充足营养物质运走代谢产物。

    It is suggested that the well-being of each individual cell is dependent on the adequacy of its environment to furnish nutrition and carry away metabolites.


  • 因为人们已经认识到,癌症不仅仅基因表达变异缺陷导致疾病,同时也似一种代谢疾病,因为肿瘤细胞生长需要营养物质

    Because it has been realized that cancer is not only a disease of defects in gene expression or mutation but also a metabolic disease in that cells need nutrients to grow.


  • 小肽动物降解蛋白质氨基酸过程中间产物,是动物重要营养物质,是氨基酸之外蛋白质营养吸收代谢的重要方式之一

    As an intermediate product from protein to amino acid, peptide is the important nutrient substance and one of the important alimentation of protein besides amino acid.


  • 摘要试验旨在建立肉用绵羊饲粮营养物质消化率代谢能(ME)预测模型

    Abstract: This study aimed to establish the prediction models of dietary nutrient digestibility and metabolizable energy (me) of mutton sheep.


  • 分为三类影响动物体结构基因,影响食欲的基因影响营养物质消化新陈代谢基因。

    These fell into three categories: genes affecting anatomy, genes affecting appetite and genes affecting the digestion and metabolismof nutrients.


  • 心血管系统:将血液运送全身各个组织管道系统。它营养物质氧气输送全身各个组织,废物二氧化碳排泄代谢掉。

    Cardiovascular system: system of vessels that convey Blood to and from tissues throughout the Body, Bringing nutrients and oxygen and removing wastes and carbon dioxide.


  • 心血管系统:将血液运送全身各个组织管道系统。它营养物质氧气输送全身各个组织,废物二氧化碳排泄代谢掉。

    Cardiovascular system: system of vessels that convey Blood to and from tissues throughout the Body, Bringing nutrients and oxygen and removing wastes and carbon dioxide.


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