• 火山喷发小城了一层火山灰

    Volcanic ash showered down on the town after the eruption.


  • 房价一直时涨最终应该会趋于稳定。

    House prices keep rising and falling but they should eventually even out.


  • 他们砸伤了。

    They were injured by falling rocks.


  • 队长以往一样叫了正面—可硬币反面朝上地了下来

    The captain called heads as usual — and the coin came down tails.


  • 觉得沉重负担从身上下来

    He felt as if the most crushing load had fallen off him.


  • 而且一只已经了地

    And one has already fallen.


  • 秋天树叶

    The leaves fell in autumn.


  • 启[]。

    The curtain rises [falls].


  • 小心

    Watch out for falling rocks!


  • 炸弹下来,砰!正好击中目标

    The bombs went down—wham!—right on target.


  • 山脉中有美洲狮生存。

    The Rockies are home to bears and mountain lions.


  • 山脉地图极为相似。

    The two maps of the Rockies correspond closely.


  • 这个夜晚晚宴演讲告一段

    The evening concluded with dinner and speeches.


  • 便是使情绪千丈原因。

    It had been the cause of much emotional upset.


  • 他们女儿婚礼上会

    They will shed a few tears at their daughter's wedding.


  • 台戏只得到了掌声

    The play was greeted with tepid applause.


  • 事情了这么个结局,感到很难受

    I felt wretched about the way things had turned out.


  • 屋里到处满了玻璃碎片

    Pieces of glass sprayed all over the room.


  • 开始从事新闻事业,供职新闻报。

    He began a career in journalism, working for the Rocky Mountain News.


  • 了个赌徒恶名

    He gained a certain notoriety as a gambler.


  • 地板满了油点

    Oil was spattered on the floor.


  • 自从美国入侵以来,这位总统的声誉千丈

    Since the U.S. invasion the president's reputation has nosedived.


  • 他们穿上大衣中脚步沉重地缓缓走着。

    They put on their coats and tramped through the falling snow.


  • 一码了地。

    The ball pitched a yard short.


  • 海伦话音刚便问道:“还有别的什么吗?”

    "Is there something else?" Ray queried as Helen stopped speaking.


  • 到处满灰尘

    Dust had settled on everything.


  • 树叶小径。

    Leaves strewed the path.


  • 第一匹马往往跑得飞快,会撞横杆一般不会被罚分。

    The first horse often goes hell for leather, hits a few fences but gets away with it.


  • 杰克·萨姆纳曾作为向导装备店商科罗拉多矶经营一家商埠

    Jack Sumner was a guide and outfitter who ran a trading post in the Colorado Rockies.


  • 这座房子很棒的景观,可以看到乔治亚海峡以及一头的基山脉。

    The house had a fabulous view out to the Strait of Georgia and the Rockies beyond.


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