• 巨无霸麦当劳著名商标

    'Big Mac' is McDonald's best-known trademark.


  • 海伦澳大利亚著名小说家

    Helen is a very well-known novelist in Australia.


  • 大理石拱门伦敦著名标志性建筑

    Marble Arch is a famous London landmark.


  • 后来变成了一位著名和平主义者。

    Later he was to become famous as a pacifist.


  • 更为著名是影视作品

    He is better known for his film and TV work.


  • 著名俄罗斯芭蕾舞女演员搭挡

    He had partnered the famous Russian ballerina.


  • 著名饭店出价1亿美元人竞购。

    The famous Ritz hotel is up for grabs for $100 million.


  • 好莱坞许多著名年轻明星提供服装。

    He dresses many of Hollywood's most famous young stars.


  • 很快就跻身英国著名青年画家行列。

    He was soon one of the most celebrated young painters in England.


  • 慷慨激昂地朗诵了这出戏著名开场白

    She declaimed the famous opening speech of the play.


  • 很明显著名演员们参加过这些下流聚会

    Apparently, well known actors were at these filthy parties.


  • 再也不用远赴纽约百老汇著名表演了。

    You no longer have to schlep to New York to see the most celebrated show on Broadway.


  • 这些歌曲另一著名司手罗恩·卡特改编。

    The songs were arranged by another well-known bass player, Ron Carter.


  • 然后这些鸽子浓雾中,著名归巢本能失灵了

    Then the pigeons flew into thick fog, and the famous homing instinct failed.


  • 这个候选人无懈可击著名旅行作家电视名人

    The candidate was quite unexceptionable, a well-known travel writer and TV personality.


  • 一个著名希腊神话中说,卡洛斯飞得离太阳了。

    There is a famous Greek myth in which Icarus flew too near to the Sun.


  • 一个著名的受尊重名字如此商业化似乎太可惜了

    It seems such a pity that a distinguished and honoured name should be commercialized in this way.


  • 这座建筑示威者们包围了起来,其中著名演员

    The building was picketed by demonstrators, several of whom were well-known actors.


  • 这位比尔克林顿和那位著名名人不同,政治没什么兴趣

    Unlike his more famous namesake, this Bill Clinton has little interest in politics.


  • 再过几个小时,世界著名拳击手之一首次在这里参加比赛。

    In a few hours' time one of the world's most famous boxers will be fighting here for the first time.


  • 有些报纸其中最著名是《纽约时报》,拒不刊用Ms这个词。

    Some newspapers, most famously the New York Times, refuse to print the word Ms.


  • 许多儿童演员成为著名明星

    Many of the children actors become famous stars.


  • 人们拍摄著名建筑城市山脉

    People took picture of famous buildings, cities and mountains.


  • 著名音乐家莫扎特就是来自这里

    Mozart, the famous musician, was from here.


  • 爱迪生著名发明包括电灯泡

    Edison's most well-known inventions included the electric light bulb.


  • 他们著名的电影明星

    They want to see famous film stars.


  • 阿拉斯加世界著名城市

    Alaska is a famous city in the world.


  • 去过很多著名的湖泊

    I have been to many famous lakes.


  • 他们是当时著名海盗

    They were famous thieves of the sea at that time.


  • 他们是当时著名海盗

    They were famous thieves of the sea at that time.


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