Thomas also assesses Lincoln's use of language and the ongoing significance of the Gettysburg Address.
Many public speakers have studied Lincoln's 19th century speeches (e. g. The Gettysburg Address) as an examples of brief and powerful communication.
We might remember, though, that Abe Lincoln was at a stylistic disadvantage when he wrote his Gettysburg Address.
在周一的新品发布会上,亚马逊创始人兼CEO,杰夫贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)为来宾演示了用Kindle的有声阅读功能朗读林肯名篇《葛底斯堡演讲》。
At Monday's launch event, Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon, demonstrated this technology by having the Kindle read from the Gettysburg Address.
We would also have had no Gettysburg address, no Churchill, and no Martin Luther King, Jr.
Standing between marble columns, I read the Gettysburg Address and the Second Inaugural Address.
Frederick Douglass called it "a sacred effort," and Lincoln himself thought that his Second Inaugural, which offered a theodicy of the Civil War, was better than the Gettysburg Address.
Frederick Douglass called it "a sacred effort," and Lincoln himself thought that his Second Inaugural, which offered a theodicy of the Civil War, was better than the Gettysburg Address.