矿化具垂直分带,上部以蓝辉铜矿为主,标高580—400米间以硫砷铜矿为主。 400米以下以黄铜矿为主。
There are vertical zoning of mineralization, that is chalcocite in the upper, enargite at the elevation between 580 to 400m, and chalcopyrite below the 400m.
By employing EPMA and SEM techniques we examined the compositions of nucleus, cell-walls and cells of wood-cytoplasm in chalcocite and digenite and the shapes of wood cells.
The main copper minerals are malachite, chrysocolla, little chalcopyrite, chalcosine and even little bornite and covellite.
The main copper minerals are malachite, chrysocolla, little chalcopyrite, chalcosine and even little bornite and covellite.