• 文中讨论基于实景图象虚拟信息空间进行漫游需要解决的图象处理问题相关算法进而设计实现了一种满足实时要求的高效多线程漫游机制。

    This article discusses the image processing problems and algorithms of walking through in panoramic based virtual space, then designs and implements a high performance multithread wandering algorithm.


  • 文中讨论基于实景图象虚拟信息空间进行漫游需要解决的图象处理问题相关算法进而设计实现了一种满足实时要求的高效多线程漫游机制。

    This article discusses the image processing problems and algorithms of walking through in panoramic based virtual space, then designs and implements a high performance multithread w...


  • 提供许多信息包括所使用的实际虚拟分页空间内存

    It provides a lot of information, including real, virtual, and paging space memory used.


  • 虚拟空间团队开始着手实现一个远程指导设施打电话更有真实感支持信息交换私密性

    The virtual Spaces team set out to implement a remote mentoring facility, which would allow more immersion than a phone call, yet support private exchange of information.


  • vmstat命令可以提供虚拟内存使用情况长期视图包括提供有关交换空间RAM之间正在活动地交换内存量信息

    The vmstat command provides a long-term view of virtual usage, including providing information on the amount of memory being actively swapped between swap space and RAM.


  • AIX 上进程关于OS 控制资源比如文件套接字信息)、虚拟地址空间以及至少一个执行线程的一系列信息

    On AIX a process is a collection of information about OS-controlled resources (such as file and socket information), a virtual address space, and at least one thread of execution.


  • 有人可能意识发送某些消息是不专业但这时已经来不及撤回对于虚拟网络空间而言,传播信息往往超过了了预期环境

    Even if one realizes that a post may have been unprofessional, it is often too late to retract it, given the viral nature of the Internet, which spreads information beyond anticipated locales.


  • wikis社区帮助创建网络在线空间,而bloggingfolksonomy文件共享有助于跨整个社交网络社区这个虚拟世界实现信息

    While wikis and communities help to create an online space for the networks, blogging, folksonomy and file sharing help to information flow across the virtual world of the social networking community.


  • 网络效应经济所引发虚拟企业集群克服传统企业集群空间信息资源要素聚集的地域限制

    Caused by the network effect economy, the virtual enterprise clusters overcome the geographical restrictions of traditional clusters' factors such as space, information and resources.


  • 函数提供了指定进程虚拟地址空间一定页面范围内信息

    The VirtualQueryEx function provides information about a range of pages within the virtual address space of a specified process.


  • 赛博空间虚拟现实网络世界信息社会实体的综合

    It is a new synthesis of cyberspace, virtual reality, network world, and information society.


  • 这个虚拟空间作用是以一定策略利用互联网进行文物信息搜集发现然后进行理解、提取组织处理

    The role of the virtual space is to use some strategy to collect and find heritage information through the Internet, and then to complete its conduct, extraction, organization and processing.


  • 通过信息交互各种生产交易活动从依赖物理地域变为依靠市场虚拟空间进行

    Through information interaction, production and trade can be conducted by means of virtual market Spaces rather than physical market areas.


  • 多源空间数据共享一直VR - GIS(虚拟现实地理信息系统)应用系统开发中需要解决的重要问题

    Sharing between various spatial data has always been a main problem to the development of VR-GIS, which is a new field integrating GIS and VR (Virtual Reality).


  • 一基本范式出发本文定义并描述语用主体信息空间,重点探讨虚拟空间虚拟现实实质意义

    From this perspective, the paper characterizes the information space of pragmatic subject and explores the nature and significance of virtual space and virtual reality.


  • 信息虚拟空间哲学层面意义上看,“虚拟空间理论在目前全球金融领域具有潜在影响

    The thesis elaborates the potential influence of the theory of "virtual space" through the analysis of information and its philosophical significance of virtual space.


  • 空间分析技术三维可视化实现计算机图形学遥感虚拟现实、特别是地理信息系统(GIS)领域研究重要问题

    Spatial Analysis technology and its Visualization is an important research problem in computer graphic, RS (Remote Control), VR (Virtual Reality) and GIS and so on.


  • 网络提供我们只是获取信息来源而且还是一个可以相互交流空间企业物流平台正是客户企业进行交流的网上虚拟空间

    Network provided to us is not only a source of information, but also a mutual exchange of space, is an enterprise logistics platform for enterprise customers and exchange of online virtual space.


  • 文化资产承继而言,将个别书写系统虚拟空间再现,信息传播技术重要责任。

    The transfer of each writing system into cyberspace is a task with very high importance for information and communication technology.


  • 虚拟文件可以用户呈现内核中的一些信息可以用作一种用户空间向内核发送信息手段

    A virtual file can present information from the kernel to the user and also serve as a means of sending information from the user to the kernel.


  • 虚拟文件可以用户呈现内核中的一些信息可以用作一种用户空间向内核发送信息手段

    A virtual file can present information from the kernel to the user and also serve as a means of sending information from the user to the kernel.


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